2ND MAY 2014
Saturday 21st June 2014
For the Attention of F.V.CLOUGH, Local Land
Registrar, Durham
Dear Sir,
I acknowledge and
thank you for your eight page guidance
notes type letter I receive yesterday, sent to
my home address and not as I would have
preferred to this site, WDTK , to avoid any future misunderstandings can I
request that Land Registry do not send
any future F.O.I. Correspondence to my
home address but send it to this site- WDTK to
ensure all replies to F.O.I. requests are Prominently displayed in the Public Domain for all to see .
think it is also important and essential to Clarify the facts that in my origin F.O.I. request sent to Land Registry on the 2nd
May 2014 and still displayed on this site, I did Not repeat I did
Not as you Implied In to your
Letter , request an “Official Copy” of
MY Registered Property WHICH I
already have , issued by Land Registry,
Durham THEMSELVES, on the 10th October 2008, showing all the details recorded in the Register of Title on the 9th October 2008, at 10.55.27. or any other Documents, that would incur costs.
I Simply asked for a COPY of what the Head of Land Registry Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. Described in his letter to Iain Wright M.P. the Member of Parliament for
Hartlepool as an Authentic Copy of the Original Survey Plans to have Survived AFTER
all the original survey plans had been Destroyed. This could Only Refer to some
other Survey Documents, as ALL Genuine Original
Survey Documents of Registered Land and Property Title
CE74844 “Absolute” are Safely and
Securely Held in OUR Possession .
I still feel highly suspicious but NOT unduly Surprised that Land Registry are Unable
to produce the claimed Authentic Copy of the
Survey Plans that were NOT destroyed,
This could only be construed by any normal right thinking person, that Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. Head of Land Registry, a
Senior Civil Servant employed by Land Registry Deliberately and Wilfully Deceived and Misinformed Iain Wright M.P the Democratically Elected Member
Of Parliament for Hartlepool,
This Disrespectable Disgraceful Conduct
is Totally Unacceptable and Seriously questions Malcolm
Dawson’s O.B.E. Honesty, Integrity and Most Certainly Questions His claim in His letter to
Iain Wright M.P. to have Fully Investigated my Serious allegations of
Criminality & Misconduct in Public Office by the assistant Land Registrar, Alan H Smith and others at Land Registry Durham,
I am led to believe that
Malcolm Dawson’s O.B.E. found Nothing to support my allegation of
Misconduct and Criminality ,Despite it
should be Noted the Overwhelming Irrefutable Documentary
Evidence available in the form of the ORIGINAL Land
Title Deeds CE74844 “Absolute” Registered by
J Anthony Brown, Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council on the 29th 3. 1984 including an “Official Copy” ” of the “Register of Title” CE74844 “Absolute” issued by Land Registry Durham, THEMSELVES, on the 10th October 2008, showing all the details recorded in the Register of Title
on the 9th October 2008, at 10.55.27.
(Under s67 of the Land
Registration Act 2002 this “Official Copy” is admissible in evidence to the
same extent as the “Original”)
To Ignore & Cast aside this Irrefutable Documentary
Evidence has Irrelevant is without a shadow
of doubt an act of Desperation, Undoubtedly
Intended to Deliberately Mislead and Deceive Iain
Wright M.P. the Honourable Member of Parliament for Hartlepool, and to protect the Criminal activities
of Dishonest Colleagues working in Land Registry Durham
It is
important to remember and I make NO apology
for repeating it that Even IF this “Authentic
Copy” of the Original Survey Plans had
existed and Produced for
Examination and Validation it would still remain JUST THAT a
COPY of the “Original
Survey Plans” and Could NEVER be
given Official Legal Standing to the
same extent as an “Official Copy” of the “Register of Title” CE74844 “Absolute” issued by Land Registry Durham, THEMSELVES, on the 10th October 2008, showing all the details recorded in the Register of Title
on the 9th October 2008, at 10.55.27.
For the Head of the Land Registry Malcolm Dawson O.B.E.
to Deceitfully Indicate Otherwise is
Disgraceful and Dishonest this Unhealthy Situation is a clear indication that things are Seriously Wrong at Land Registry Durham, and in my view Highlights another Similar Unhealthy Situation that
exists in both the Legal and Planning
Departments of Hartlepool Borough Council.
No amount of Legal Double Talk,
Blatant Lies or Letters containing Guidance Notes. can Disguise or Hide the True Facts that things are Seriously
Wrong at Land Registry Durham,
one only as to examine the B141
submitted to Land Registry in October 2008, fraudulently attempting to ALTER a Registered Title, and
the Two (2) Coloured Photographs of an Outside
Toilet Door, one in the Open and one Closed Position , Documents later accepted
by Alan H Smith the assistant Land Registrar
Durham as Greater Proof of Property Ownership than
the Original Registered Land Title Deeds
CE74844 “Absolute” and an Official Copy” ”
of the
“Register of Title” CE74844 “Absolute” issued
by Land Registry Durham, THEMSELVES, on the 10th October 2008 To
fully realise that there was a Deliberate
Deceitful attempt of Conspiracy Collusion and Collaboration between
Officials in Land Registry Durham and Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Officials to
Pervert the Course of Justice in Public Office and to avoid by Deceitful means
the Financial costs to the B141 applicant of Demolition of the Kitchen
Extension Illegally Erected on Freehold
Land and Property NOT in their Ownership .
I believe that
all Criminal Wrongdoing in Public Office should be Exposed &
Reported to do Nothing is NOT an option , all allegations of FRAUD supported with the Necessary evidence of Wrongdoing
must be taken
seriously and Investigated NOT Ignored or
Kicked into the Long Grass, my allegations
quite rightly Question the Honesty and Professional Integrity of ALL
Employees at Land Registry Durham and officials
in both the Legal & Planning Departments of Hartlepool
Borough Council,
It should be
remembered that we are the Victims of Property Fraud,
we have suffered a Financial
LOSS through the Criminal
activities of employees of both Land Registry Durham And Planning Officials of Hartlepool Borough Council
It is my understanding that ANOTHER
Letter Containing our Criminal
Allegations has been sent to ED LESTER the
present Chief Land Registrar by Iain Wright M.P.
the Member of Parliament for Hartlepool.
Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders
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