Friday, 20 June 2014


                                                       NAME AND SHAME

ED Miliband  the Labour Leader  - recently asked  in the Media, Why are the Labour Party Losing Previously Staunch Supporters to UKIP -  I believe my  Personal  Experiences described  below will give him a Clue - The Labour Party Particularly in Hartlepool,  is overflowing from Top to Bottom with Bad Apples. and Poor actors.
A Little Reminder the Name of the Game is to Name & Shame.
Here is a brief reminder of ROB COOK’S the Labour Party’s Councillor  for the DE-BRUS Ward , Giving  a Spectacular Theatrical Performance after viewing the illegally erected Horrible Carbuncle of a Kitchen Extension -  built without seeking  Planning Permission  & attached to our Private Property- had to be seen to be believed -WHO Authorised that Monstrosity he said- It Should  Be Demolished-  this  Spectacular Theatrical  performance -  with hand gestures- was unbelievable-  you must remember this  was  Prior to his Successful  election as Labour Councillor for the De-Brus Ward - Unfortunately since his election as a Labour Councillor-  he has suffered a Severe Loss of Memory  (Known as  Political Amnesia ) nevertheless,  it has established in the Memory of   this Previous Staunch  Labour Party Supporter an unforgettable scene- showing  what  deceitful  depths a Genuine Incompetent  would be Labour Politician & Compulsive Liar, would go to get votes!

This  self-important  blustering would be labour politician who instead of vigorously investigating our genuine concerns  of Property Damage- which he himself had  seen, Prior to his Successful  election as Labour Councillor for the De-Brus Ward – Deliberately  & Cowardly Conspired & Collaborated  with the other Two (2) DE-BRUS  Ward  Labour Councillors  SHEILA GRIFFIN & SYLVIA TEMPEST  to  ask  PETER DEVLIN to write a letter of Censure to me on THEIR  behalf .
In  essence the letter say’s that any further Critical Comments I wish to make Should be submitted to HIM  and  NOT to my Elected  Labour Ward  Councillors –as my Comments are a Little Unpalatable - this Unhealthy Highly Suspicious Situation  clearly indicates to me that  PETER DEVLIN an Unelected Highly Paid Hartlepool Council Official in Public Office –will decide  in future- if any  of my Critical  allegations of - FRAUD- Misconduct in Public Office – Criminal failure to implement Statutory  Regulations of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990- attempting to Pervert the Course of Justice by Council Officials in Public Office employed in the  Legal & Planning Departments are to be passed onto MY  Elected  Labour Party Ward Councillors
This Outrageous decision is both Unhealthy and Breaches  my Human & Legal  Rights  Particularly  Article 10, Human Rights Act 1998  Freedom of Expression It was Certainly Intended I believe  to be Intimidating  a deliberate  attempt to  frighten and Silence an elderly Octogenarian  -their Combined Veiled threats  have  failed  - I’m Not going anywhere, I intend to Stay and Continue to Protest and Name  and  Shame.
Simply  because there can be little or No room for any Further Doubts or Misunderstanding -We were Deliberately and Deceitfully Shafted -Fraudulently Deceived and Robbed of Part of our Legally Purchased - Registered Freehold Land & Property by all the named Hartlepool Borough Council Officials. Richard Trow, Planning Officer, Hilary Martin, F,O.I. Officer Alyson Carman, Solicitor & Complaints Reviewer and  Paul Burgon, Enforcement Officer

Shocking - Unbelievable  - BUT TRUE - Once you get over your initial shock, you will no longer doubt MY Allegations that All  the Undermentioned Council Officials  Richard Trow, Planning Officer, Hilary Martin, F,O.I. Officer Alyson Carman, Solicitor & Complaints Reviewer, (who had requested &  been given  an Official Copy of the Register of Title in  December 2008 and  Paul Burgon, Enforcement Officer, Conspired -Collaborated with the Retrospective Planning Applicants H/2009/0568 to Pervert the Course of Justice, & to Falsely Claim  by Criminal Deception “Ownership” of Registered Land & Property NOT in their Registered Title
We are the Innocent Victims of this FRAUD -Denied the Use of our  Detached  Wash-House Facilities -  Freehold Land & Property we Purchased in all Good faith from Hartlepool Borough Council in February 1984 .
Rt. Hon Lord Denning , Lord Chief Justice  His Appeal Court Ruling January was –No Court in this Land  will allow a person  to keep an  advantage he has Obtained by FRAUD , NO  Judgement of a Court, NO order of a Minister can be allowed to stand if it has been Obtained by FRAUD –FRAUD unravels  everything
Please Note, If anything I have Written or Published is NOT TRUE – Why have NONE  repeat   NONE   of   the   named Hartlepool Council Individuals Disputed any of my allegations, NOR Commenced   ANY Legal Proceeding against ME for Slander, or whatever other crimes they can think of. BUT they should  remember they will have to use their OWN Money.
 A Council Cannot Sue for Libel ( Derby-shire  vs  Sunday Times , House of Lords. 1993 ) NOR
Can   a Council Indemnify a Councillor or Council Officer who wishes to Sue an Individual (Local authorities   indemnity   for Members  and  Officers ) order 2004
Copies to Iain Wright M.P. for Hartlepool.


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