on Thursday 5/6/2014 to PAUL TROTTER-
Dear Paul
Thank you for your apology
for the delay in answering my F.O.I. request, “Please Confirm Existence and
supply a Copy of the Authentic Copy of Original Survey Plans” submitted on the 2nd May 2014, and your explanation as
follows –
I refer to your e-mail
dated 2nd MAY 2014, and I must first
apologise for
the Delay In Dealing With Your Enquiry.
In View Of The Contents I Am Referring This
Matter To One Of Our Senior Officers And He Will Consider It As Soon As Possible, I Should Say However That
The Senior Officer Concerned Is Here In The Office To-Day And Tomorrow, But Is Then Away For A Further Week Or So, It May Be That
He Is Unable To Contact You Further Until His Return ,
Regards, PAUL
My Reply to Land Registry 5th June 2014
I am a little Disappointed and Bewildered that
my Simple F.O.I. Request for a copy of
the "Authentic Copy" of the Survey Plans
that the Head of Land Registry , MALCOLM DAWSON O.B.E assured IAIN WRIGHT M.P. Member of
Parliament for Hartlepool, was available, now
appears Difficult to Produce for Inspection ?
If I don’t receive a Copy
of this Document in the next fourteen (14) days
I believe I will be justified in reporting the Matter to a Higher Authority.Link to th
The fact that Land Registry are finding it Difficult to produce the claimed Authentic Copy of the Survey Plans that were NOT destroyed, could be Construed that Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. Head of Land Registry, Deliberately and Wilfully Misinformed and Blatantly LIED to Iain Wright M.P. the Democratically Elected Member Of Parliament For Hartlepool, who Should Not Be, Insulted, Humiliated, Mislead or Lied To By A Senior Civil Servant employed by Land Registry.