Dear Iain Wright,
Thursday 19th June 2014
Dear Iain Wright M.P. Member of Parliament for Hartlepool
I am Disappointed once again to note that you have still not Commented on any of my other Serious allegations Of Criminal Misconduct by Hayley Martin, Alyson Carman, Mr. Reece and Paul Burgon all Paid Council Officials employed in the Planning and Legal Departments of
Hartlepool Borough Council who Conspired and Colluded to “Grant” a Retrospective Planning application H/2009/0568, Knowing the planning application Contained False and Misleading Claims of “Property Ownership” a Blatant & Deliberate Breach of Sections 65(5) & 65(6) the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
While I appreciate your Support I Sincerely Hope that your recent letter to Ed Lester, Chief Land
Registrar, eventually produces more Truthful and Fruitful answers to my Allegations of Serious Criminal Misconduct by the assistant Land Registrar Alan H Smith and other Officials employed
at Land Registry Durham, than the Fictitious and Deceitful Reply you received from the Previous Head of Land Registry Malcolm Dawson O.B.E when he deliberately stated in his letter to you
that the original documents/survey plans had been destroyed BUT an Authentic Copy (Not you will note an Official Copy, under s67.of the Land Registration Act 2002- an Official Copy of the Register of Title is admissible in Evidence to the same extent as the Original ) had survived –
This statement, I believe was a deliberate lie, a blatant attempt to divert your attention away from
the real truthful issues, of Criminal Misconduct and attempting to Pervert the Course of Justice in
Public Office
I submitted a Freedom of Information request to Land Registry on the 2nd MAY 2014 requesting a “Copy” of the Authentic Copy of the Survey Plans that Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. claimed in his letter to you MY Member of Parliament for Hartlepool, were NOT destroyed ,now appears to be Difficult if NOT Impossible to be Produced for Inspection by Land Registry and can only be Construed
by any Right Thinking Normal Person to be an admission that the authentic copy of the origin survey plans DOES NOT exist and therefore Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. Head of Land
Registry Wilfully Deliberately and Intentionally Lied to the Democratically Elected Member of Parliament for Hartlepool Iain Wright M.P. to divert his attention away from the True Serious Allegations of Criminal Fraudulent Misconduct in Public Office by Alan H Smith assistant
Land Registrar Durham
This Disgraceful, Disrespectable and Insulting Conduct by Malcolm Dawson O.B.E
a Senior Civil Servant employed by Land Registry,to the Democratically Elected Member of Parliament for Hartlepool Iain Wright M.P. is totally unacceptable, and Must Seriously Question
Malcom Dawson’s O.B.E.-Claim to Have Fully Investigated MY Very Serious allegations of Criminal Misconduct in Public Office by Alan H Smith the assistant Land Registrar Durham,
He Claimed to have found no evidence to Support MY Allegations of Criminal Misconduct
Despite the Overwhelming Irrefutable Documentary Evidence available in the Form of the Original
Registered Land Title Deeds CE74844 “Absolute” Registered at Land Registry Durham on the
29th 3 1984 by J Anthony Brown, Chief Solicitor Of Hartlepool Borough Council.
To Cast Aside this Irrefutable Legal Documentary Evidence including an "Official Copy" of the Register of Title CE74844 “Absolute” issued by Land Registry Durham, THEMSELVES on the
10th October 2008 showing all the details recorded in the Land Register of Title on the
9th October 2008, at 10.55.27 .as Irrelevant are Despicable acts of Desperation Intending to Deliberately Mislead and Deceive Iain Wright M.P. the Honourable Member of Parliament for Hartlepool
One should also remember that Elizabeth Derrington the Official Complaints Reviewer also supported my allegation of Misconduct in Land Registry, Durham,
WHY else would she award me £300 and an Apology ?
One should also Note and Remember the legal dictum of the Rt. Hon. LORD DENNING
The Lord Chief Justice HIS Appeal Court Ruling in January 12.13. 24. 1956
Still Valid Law to this Day, “ No Court in this Land ”will allow a person to keep an advantage which he has obtained by “FRAUD” No judgement of a Court - No order of a Minister can be allowed to Stand If it has been obtained by “FRAUD”
Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders
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