Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

AS a Result of my Recent published Letter  toThe Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on his comments in a letter to Hilary Ben the Shadow Communities Secretary Published  in the Public Domain, on Wednesday 13th March 2013, Copy to Stuart Drummond Mayor of Hartlepool,  I received the Following reply from Stuart Drummond  on Tuesday 19th March 2013.

Dear Mr. Flounders,
Thank you for your recent correspondence. Can you outline exactly what criminal activity has taken place in your opinion, what you have done about it and what the response has been to date please? I had a quick skim through your blog and there appears to be a lot of finger pointing but I’m struggling to pin point where the issue lies.
You are making serious allegations and I am more than happy to follow them up so it would be useful if you gave me a brief and simple chronological order of events and your allegations.
Best wishes,

My Reply  Sent to Stuart Drummond, Mayor of Hartlepool,
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your prompt reply to the Letter to
The Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP - Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, highlighting my Allegations of Continued Criminal Misconduct by both Elected & Non-Elected Members of Hartlepool Borough Council,
I thank you & fully appreciate that you are Willing to Investigate my Criminal Allegations, Formal Complaints & Freedom of Information Requests, which , it must be remembered, I have been making since August 2008, using the WhatDoTheyKnow Internet Site, & Hartlepool Council’s Complaint procedure, a Complaints Procedure I found to be Total Rubbish, the Claims that Letters & E-Mails were not Delivered or Lost in Transit have been unbelievable,

If  as I suspect, you are now saying that you have been Unaware of any of my Past Criminal Allegations, then I Must point out to you Sir, that I am Disappointed to learn, that, as Elected Mayor of Hartlepool, the Most Senior Person in any Council, I think YOU have been very poorly Served by the Following Paid Employees of your Staff, who Individually, were all made aware of my Formal Complaints by Letter or  E-Mail ? And  some, such as Alyson Carman Solicitor,  and Complaints Reviewer , requested & received Official Copies of Legal Documents as Proof of Ownership at individual Meetings ?
Dave Stubs, Director of regeneration & Neighbourhoods,
Stuart Green, Development Control,
Paul Burgon Enforcement Officer
Stuart Metcalf ?
Alyson Carman , Solicitor
Hayley Martin F.O.I. Officer
& Many Others including Labour Councillors, Cook, Griffin & Tempest, But  it appears that not  one Person of your Staff, or Elected Councillors, appears to have reported my Very Serious Fraudulent Concerns to You ?

I also find it difficult to understand your Comments that you have had a quick “skim” through my Blog. and there appears to be a lot of Finger Pointing but YOU are struggling and are at loss understand & Pin Point where the Issues Lie ?

While NOT being a Legally Qualified Person, I though my Criminal Allegations were quite easily followed, I.e. The Legally Flawed “Granting” of the Retrospective Planning Application H2009/0568 by Richard Trow, Case Planning Officer, without “ANY” involvement of the Elected Councillors of the Planning Committee, clearly shows he had a Personal Interest in the Granting of the Retrospective application H/2009/0568, Knowing that it was built on Land & Property “NOT” in the Applicants H /2009/0568 Registered “Property Ownership” ?

Common Sense, dictates that No-one can built any thing onto a neighbours Registered Freehold Land & Property without authority, Everyone knows , you must “Own” the Registered Freehold Land & Property, you may wish to Built Onto? Before applying for Council Planning Permission.

Although I have no wish to be Critical of your inability to understand my Correspondence, I am an Elderly ( 80 year old ) Tax Paying Citizen and yet , I find my allegations Easily to understand? To simplify it ?
 I Repeat - Ownership of Freehold Land & Property to Build on, is a “Statutory Requirement” as required by article 7 of the Town & Country Planning Order 1995, you Cannot  Legally Build “ANYTHING” on Freehold Land & Property “NOT” in your “Ownership” ? 

For  the Retrospective applicant H2009/0568 to try and obtain a Certificate of Lawfulness by Deception, by submitting Certificates “A” “B” “C” &”D” Falsely claiming “Ownership” of  Registered Freehold Property Previously Built on Without permission of the Legal Owners-
is clearly Fraudulent, as explained  in the  Guidance handed down by the High Court Judge 
Sir Thayne Forbes Judgements on Retrospective Applications -

The Case Planning Officer Richard Trow  Knew,  when Supporting the Retrospective Applicant , H/2009/0568  who was the  Registered Legal  Owners of the Freehold Land & Property, unlawfully built on, and who, by his Own admission , was the “Original” Draughtsman of the Drawing included in the Controversial Retrospective  Planning Application H/2009/0568  for the Kitchen Extension, submitted to the Hartlepool Borough Council I.e. To the Case Planning Officer Richard Trow, “Himself” for approval?
Surprise -Surprise- this application was Granted, Nothing like marking Your Own Examination Papers? 

This I believe is Blatant “Fraud” Fraud by abuse of position Section 4. Of the FRAUD ACT 2006.?

I Fully Understand that my Criminal Allegation are Serious, and will happily supply you with a Chronological History of Events to support my Criminal allegations. Including Photographs & an “Official Copy” of the Registered Ownership Title Deeds CE 74844 “Absolute” which Prove Absolute Freehold Ownership, !
Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders

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