Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Another Employee of Land Registry Convicted of Fraud

Thanks Jean for your Interest, but to bring you up to date, and answer your question,  I thought that I had already reported it to the Information Commissioner? on the 17th May 2010, without, I may say,  any Success  (copy of my request is still available on this Site)

While I thank you for your advice and  your previous annotation, I feel it would be utterly pointless to
 report anything  further to the Information Commissioner? Who I believe , is totally unfit for purpose,

I did Contact My Member of Parliament for Hartlepool  Iain Wright M.P. who in turn contacted Richard Dawson O.B.E. who it was claimed, was the  Head of Land Registry to investigate Internally my Serious Allegations of Criminal activities in the Offices of Land Registry Durham,?

Surprise, Surprise,  Richard Dawson O.B.E  found nothing wrong with the Conduct of any of his own employees in Land Registry, Durham.

evidently my time and dated   “Official Copy” of the entries in the register of title on the 9th October 2008, at 10.55.27 issued on the 10th October 2008, from Land Registry, Durham  filed in the Land Register on 29th.3. 1984.
Which  under s67 of the Land Registration Act 2002, is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the “Original” ,  is “Groundless” when Compared to a Coloured Photograph of an Outside Toilet Door,?

 Malcolm Dawson O.B.E, did say the “Original” Plans had been Destroyed,? BUT a Copy of the Plan,  was retained, and could be accepted as an “Authentic” copy of the Original Plan, ? Not you will note, A timed and dated “Official Copy” of the entries in  the register of Title ,which under s67 of the Land Registration Act 2002, is admissible in evidence  to the same extent as the Original. ? An Unbelievable statement  from the HEAD of Land Registry.

If Land Registry are “ not aware of” or don’t  see, any evidence of Criminal  activity, then they can't be criticised for not reporting it to the Proper Authorities ?
However, in this case, it is obvious that Malcolm Dawson O.B.E,.  Head of Land Registry,  did not wish to Report my Criminal Allegations to the Authorities, ? Why,  was it beyond Possibility  the Wrongdoer was one of their own employees,  ?

I think it should be noted, in March 2012, an Employee of Land Registry for 33 years was Convicted at Southwark Crown Court after being found guilty of abusing her position of trust , Her fraud involved nine identified properties but Scotland Yard suspect that many more homes may have changed hands illegally,  my personal experiences of Land Registry, makes me believe that this was NOT an Isolated Incident and may yet prove to be just the tip of the Iceberg, I am Certainly NOT finished,

Further Progress will be published ,


  1. Keep up the good work Alan. I too have irrefutable evidence (stamped and signed land registry documents) that, Giles Berry of land registry Plymouth amongst others, suppressed information, conspired to defraud and conspired to pervert the course of justice. The land registry are liars, cheats, thieves and criminals, but they will be exposed. See Twitter @LandRegCriminal.

  2. Hi Chris,
    Thanks for your Interest and Comments,
    I hope I am making steady progress in my attempts, as you are, to expose to Public View, the Corruption of some employees in Land Registry, in addition I wish to expose the few bad apples in the Legal and Planning Departments of Hartlepool Borough Council,

    it also nice and gives me , a lone voice, hope, to see you have the courage to reply in your own name and not as the anonymous well wishers, who sends me numerous foul mouthed insults, who obviously does not want me to expose to public view the Criminality of Land Registry,

    I honestly believe that when individuals send their correspondence anonymously it signifies, to most people, that the information given may not be reliable. ?
    I have more evidence and questions that I believe highlights that Corruption is endemic in Land Registry and here in Hartlepool , which I will publish here on this Blog. in addition to my little campaign on the What Do They Know Internet site, regarding the Sale of Council Houses prior to 1980, and the running of profit making private business enterprises from Council Houses by very selected Tenants which is being deliverable ignored at the moment by Hartlepool Borough Council ?
    And my Local M.P. Iain Wright. Who obviously does not wish to know ?
    All these above issues are, believe it or Not, are “Connected” and involve “One” person, who as been allowed to do what they like because I believe had influential friends in High Places, ?
    IT IS ALL BEING DONE FOR MONEY! Nothing else. ?

    Thank You again, for you moral courage, Courage which appears to be completely lacking in some but not all of my Home Town Politicians,
    I do hope you keep in touch, any annotations you wish to make on this site or on the What Do They Know Internet Site will be appreciated, I would dearly like to know much more of your own problems, good luck, Remember you are not on your own anymore.

  3. Not really up to speed on this, but I have blogged the first "instalment" of the land registry farce.
    There will be much more to follow. Land registry and certain members therein must be exposed.

    these give victims a better understanding of what is going on with frauds and some ways forward used by victims


    This is the longest ever UK criminal case for property fraud May 2017 for 1.7 million
