Monday, 19 May 2014


Monday 19th May 2014.

 I have been following  an excellent site Real Whitby,  for a couple of years now, I was so impressed when I first read it, I now have my own amateur web Site I have always found NIGEL WARDS  articles and those of TIM THORNE and many others on  the  Real Whitby  site,  to be well written and  very easily to  follow, NIGEL WARDS  most recent article  make his  points quite clearly, even to and old fart like me,  I have to say  that a very, very,  similar situation of blatant Council  Corruption - exists here in Hartlepool, to this very day?  it is Unbelievable  when One remembers that Hartlepool have had a Labour Dominated Council for the Past 50 Years- a Political Party that Continually  Shouts about  Fair Play and Democracy but here in Hartlepool  they Certainly Do Not Practice What they Preach !

NIGEL WARD clearly  Highlights the Blatant Disgraceful  Corruption that Exists in Scarborough  Council, on the evidence he produces they certainly appear  to be a little bit ? but not much worse than Hartlepool !

I too have personally experienced similar problems, of Blatant Corruption-  my three (3) DE-BRUS Labour Ward Councillors, SHEILA GRIFFIN----SYLVIA TEMPEST----ROB COOK--- when supplied with overwhelming documentary  evidence of Hartlepool  Council Officials  Criminal Misconduct , failed  to take any action whatsoever- their Combined actions was to report my allegations  of Criminality by Unelected Paid Officials of  Hartlepool Borough Council, to the Town Solicitor   PETER DEVLIN who’s reaction on hearing of my Criminal Allegations Criminal Misconduct committed by  some of HIS  Paid Officials, in both the Legal and Planning Departments of Hartlepool Borough Council, was to write to me- saying that any further critical comments I wish to make-  should be addressed to him  and NOT to my  Elected Ward Representatives- this unhealthy suspicious situation, clearly indicates to me- that  genuine complaints to the authorities  may be kicked into the long grass- that  he- PETER DEVLIN- and he alone- an Unelected Highly  Paid Council Official of Hartlepool Borough Council- will decide if any of  my truthful  Critical Comments etc. etc. are to be  passed on to my Elected Ward  Councillors, that decision  is I believe unlawful,  It clearly Breaches  my Human and Legal rights-  although  I am a  Honest Law a Biding  Council  Tax Payer- I am  being deliberately denied my Democratic Right  to Contact my Democratically Elected Ward Representatives,  although it should be noted for the records- and , from my personal experiences  neither  GRIFFIN—TEMPEST- COOK- because of their Combined  Incompetence-  are suitable people to represent ANYONE on Hartlepool Borough Council ! Be Careful- VERY Careful- Who You Vote for on Thursday ? Believe me - It could happen to You !

                         That is Democracy – Hartlepool Style

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