Thursday, 29 May 2014

Culture of Lies and Deceipt Still Exists in Land Registry, Part 2

This letter was posted to Iain Wright M.P. on Wednesday Evening 28th May 10.00 p.m.
Dear Iain Wright M.P.  Member of Parliament for Hartlepool, 

To-day Wednesday 28th May 2014, I am pleased to report that I have received your written response, to my last  letter, a Culture of Lies and Deceipt Still Exists in Land Registry, Durham. Dated 27th April 2014 Regarding my allegations of Criminal Misconduct in Public Office against Officials of Land Registry, Durham.

I am also pleased to note that you have Reproduced and sent a copy of my letter, (still available on this site,) outlining my Criminal  allegations to Mr Ed Lester, Chief Land Registrar and Chief  Executive of Land Registry, Head Office, Trafalgar House, 1 Bedford  Park, CRO 2AQ.
One Can Only Hope that Mr Ed Lester, Chief Land Registrar and Chief Executive of Land Registry, has more Knowledge and Understanding of the Land Registration Act 1925, L.R.A 2002, And is fully aware of Land Registry’s Published Guides Particularly Public Guide N0.8. March 2011, which replaced the August 2009 edition. Explaining   WHY Registering Title to Land so Important, because  it provides an up-to-date OFFICIAL RECORD OF WHO OWNS LAND- A  REGISTERED TITLE IS GUARANTEED
I also believe that in the Interests of Justice,  Mr Ed Lester, Chief Land Registrar and Chief Executive of Land Registry, Does NOT repeat the Mistakes of the Previous Head of Land Registry, Malcolm  Dawson O.B.E. who appeared to Support Alan H Smith,  the Assistant Land Registrar DURHAM,  who,  It is Important to Remember- accepted Two (2) Coloured Photographs of an Outside Toilet Door,   as Greater Proof of Ownership of Freehold Property and Rejected as Groundless  the  original land title deeds CE74844 “Absolute” REGISTERED with Land Registry DURHAM –by the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough J Anthony Brown on the 29th 3. 1984 ?
In addition to Rejecting all the other Bona Fide Legal Documentation associated with the Sale & Purchase in all Good Faith from Hartlepool Borough Council, of the Ex-Council House Freehold Land & Property- including an “Official Copy” of the Register of Title CE74844 “Absolute” Issued by Land Registry Durham Themselves on the 10th October 2008, showing the Entries in the Register of Title CE74844 “Absolute” on the 9th October 2008 at 10.55.27.
 (Under s67 of the Land Registration Act 2002 this “Official Copy” is admissible in Evidence to the same extent as the Original)
Also Rejecting as Irrelevant was the Pre-Purchase Land & Property Survey No.M44684, undertaken by the Chief Engineer & Senior Surveyor of Hartlepool Borough Council, B.R.Davies  B.Sc .dated September 1983, Titled “Sale of Council House”, Which very Clearly Shows, without any “Misunderstanding” all the Freehold Land  & Property including the “Outbuildings” Purchased in All Good Faith from Hartlepool Borough Council in February 1984 !
I await, like yourself Mr Iain Wright M.P. in anticipation , for Mr Ed Lesters Explanation, WHY- the  Original Registered Land Title Documents  CE74844 “Absolute” and an “Official Copy” of the Title , and all the other Bona-Fide Survey Documents  can be Rejected as Groundless and  Classed as Irrelevent by Alan H Smith assistant Land Registrar, Durham. BUT two (*2) Coloured Photographs of an Outside Toilet Door can be accepted as Greater Proof of Property  Ownership,
While I appreciate your Support,  I am Disappointed to Record, that you have not Commented on my other Serious allegations Of Criminal Misconduct by Hayley Martin, Alyson Carman, Mr. Reece Paul Burgon  all Paid Council Officials employed in the Planning and Legal Departments of Hartlepool Borough Council who Conspired and Colluded to “Grant” a Retrospective Planning application H/2009/0568, Knowing the Planning application Contained False & Misleading Claims of  “Property Ownership” a Blatant & Deliberate Breach of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.
It has taken quite some time for me to Compile these Criminal activities , I have fought a long lonely battle for my allegations to be taken seriously by the authorities,  these allegation may date  back a few years, that does not make them  any less disgraceful  and unlawful,  nor should it be a reason for the authorities, to take them less seriously, there must be a thorough  investigation of the allegations of FRAUD, and the deliberate attempt  to cover up Criminal Misconduct  in Public Office, and the attempt by Paid Council Officials to Pervert the Course of Justice,         
As a Victim  I Deserve Nothing Less !
I believe most honest people now accept that there is a major problem of Corruption in local government and that it is time for genuine action.  a few of the issues are likely to continue, but most will fester if they are not addressed.

Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders

1 comment:

  1. To avoid any misunderstanding, I neglected to include & failed to Emphasise the
    Vital if not Major Part played by Richard Trow, Planning Officer, who I believe, was the prime mover & organised from day one, most of this Disgraceful Planning affair, He will be exposed for what he is in my next Article, WHO QUALIFIES & WHAT SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS ARE REQUIRED -APART FROM MONEY-TO RECEIVE SPECIAL & FAVOURABLE TREATMENT FROM HARTLEPOOL PLANNING AUTHORITY ?
