Monday, 17 December 2012



Tuesday 4th December 2012 


It now appears that the Three Newly Elected LABOUR Councillors Representing The De-Brus Ward on Hartlepool Borough Council. ROB COOK, Chairman of the Planning Committee, SYLVIA TEMPEST  Secretary of the Local Labour Party,  and  Sheila Griffin,  are so lacking in  Common Courtesy , and are so Desperate to avoid having to Answer  any of my Serious Allegations of Council Misconduct in Public Office, or to Explain their total lack of action to investigate any of  my Serious allegations,  they have all asked the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council PETER DEVLIN , to write to me the following letter , which I received yesterday , Monday, 3rd December, 2012,  at 1.00 p.m. 

To add Substance to my above Comments , I  wish to make it  Perfectly Clear here and now,  and to avoid any  further Possible Misunderstanding,  that NONE  of my (3) Three newly elected  Labour Councillors Representing ? The De-Brus Ward on the Hartlepool Borough Council have, to the best of my Knowledge,
 made  “ANY”  attempt  to Contact me, by Phone, Letter or E-Mail or even  a Personal Visit to my Home, to Validate, Discuss, or give any explanation as to WHY  NONE  of my Serious Criminal Allegations have been Investigated. ?  They are all  Fully aware of my Criminal Allegations and  what Excuse they Can offer for Not Investigating my Concerns is entirely up to them?

Dear Sirs,

I have been asked  to Contact you by your Ward Councillor’s, Tempest, Cook  and Griffin, as they are becoming increasingly concerned by the Tone   of your Correspondence. 
I must therefore ask that any further correspondence regarding regulatory matters I.e. F.O.I. Data Protection etc,  be forwarded to the Council’s legal Division, for the attention of the Chief Solicitor, who will review the correspondence and will Only Respond where the Correspondence contains something new that has not been addressed by the Council Previously 
Yours Faithfully

This personal letter to my Home address  from Peter Devlin  is Contrary to my Previous Request to Hartlepool Borough Council , that all Correspondence Regarding any of  my Freedom of Information Requests and any  Answers , should be made available to be Viewed by the General Public, in the Public Domain, on the Internet (WDYK) Site. 

One might wonder, as I do,  WHY should the Chief  Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council Peter Devlin, asks  me, on behalf of my Ward Councillors TEMPEST  COOK and GRIFFIN  to  Personally Forward to  Him the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council,  Any Freedom of Information Requests,  I May Submit  in Future,  to Hartlepool Borough Council is  Both  CONFUSING and DEFINITELY  UNCLEAR ? 
Am I to Understand that PETER DEVLIN, Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council, is Saying that ANY  future Correspondence from Me to my Democratically Elected Ward Councillors in E-Mails or Letter  Containing Private and Confidential material MUST also in FUTURE be VETTED  by HIM ?  

This is  Unbelievable Arrogance, which I Definitely Reject? What Legal Authority gives this Individual a  Paid Employed Council Official, the Right to Effectively threaten to  Censor my Private Correspondence? The E-Mails I sent to my Council Representatives were  I though Private and Confidential, ?

Is this Veiled Legal Threat,  Enforceable? Against a Local and Honest Tax Paying Citizen? Reporting Criminal Misconduct  by Employees in the Planning Department, of Hartlepool Borough Council, One might ask, WHY , if my allegation of Criminality are Unfounded , have I NOT been Challenged to Produce my Bone-Fide Documentary Evidence in a  Court  of Law.
What are they afraid Of, ? Perjury I believe is a Serious Offence.

Could it Possibly be that  the  (3)  Three Now,  Elected Labour Councillors of the De-Brus Ward,  are foolishly attempting to  Hide these  Serious issues, Surrounding my  Allegations of Criminality by involving the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council, PETER DEVLIN  in  what I believe to be an attempt  to intimidate me into SILENCE ? 

 Article 10, Freedom of Expression of the Human Rights Act 1998, 

This Right Shall include Freedom to Hold Opinions and to RECEIVE  and IMPART  INFORMATION and Ideas WITHOUT INTERFERENCE by PUBLIC AUTHORITY and REGARDLESS of FRONTIERS  

This  Sounds Suspiciously like, My freedom of speech is definitely under threat here ? Is this an attempt  by Hartlepool Borough Council to  Severely Restrict or Totally Ignore ( as they have done in the Past) any Further Freedom of Information Requests , I may make to Hartlepool Borough Council, ? and to my Democratically Elected Labour Councillors of the
                                                         DE-BRUS WARD 
                                                TEMPEST,  COOK ,  and GRIFFIN ? 


It is was always my Understanding that any Freedom of Information Requests submit  to Hartlepool Council, are addressed to the Freedom of Information Officer,  whoever that Appointed  Person may be,?

If PETER DEVLIN, the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council,  Wishes, for Reasons best Known Only to Himself, to appoint himself the  Freedom of Information Officer, for Hartlepool Borough Council,   in addition to his Position of  Chief Solicitor, then that is  HIS Concern and the Hierarchy of Hartlepool 
Borough Council to Decide, if He is judged a Suitable Person to have the JOB and He  is  appointed Freedom of Information Officer , that is Definitely of NO Interest or Concern of MINE , ?
If  PETER DEVLIN  Wants the Freedom of Information JOB, I have NO Objections. ?

Will he be able to Manage  these  additional Duties,?  He appears to me, to Manage the Hartlepool Legal  Department,  like  a HIGH CLASS  Restaurant, with a Extensive a La Carte Menu, Resulting in his Legal Department of Solicitors, Picking and Choosing which Laws and Statutory Legislation they  may decide to Accept or Reject ? On a Daily Basis 

From my Personal Experience, they have Consistently Ignored all my Previous Bona-Fide Documentary Evidence Highlighting  Criminal Wrongdoing by Council Officials , including Breaching  my Human Rights of Property Ownership, 

The First Protocol Article 1, of the European Convention on Human Rights 

Obviously I have been Misinformed in thinking that my LABOUR Councillors , TEMPEST,  COOK and GRIFFIN, Represent effectively the interests of the Ward for which these Councillor’s  were  Elected,  to deal with Constituents’ enquiries and representations ? 

I though I was supporting a Lively Get up and Go, Local Labour Politician, "ROB COOK"
 who gave me the Distinct but Obviously the Wrong Impression, when visiting my Home and viewing the Property Damage caused by  the Neighbours Carbuncle of a Kitchen Extension originally built “Without” Planning Permission ?and attached to my Property, both  by his Words and Attitude, that if he was elected as Labour Councillor In the forth coming local elections for the De-Brus Ward, he would try hard  to address my Concerns ? Wrong again!  And to Clarify WHY  I though I had at last Found a very Rare Politician Animal  that could be Trusted ? Read on-------

 ROB COOK ,  Prior to his election as Labour Councillor for  the De-Brus Ward, knocked on my door, and was invited into my Home, following a Lengthy  Discussion on Why I should  Vote Labour in the Forthcoming Local Elections,  he was invited and accepted my Invitation, to Inspect  the Carbuncle of an Unsafe and Potentially Dangerous  Building Extension, erected Without Planning Permission or the Property Owners Consent,  and attached  by a  Do it Yourself  Cowboy Builder, onto my Outside Detached Wash-House rear Wall and Roof, effectively Preventing  my Family the Safe use of the Wash-House Facilities, by Blocking Off the Gas Ventilation Ducts  Creating a Possible Serious Life Threatening Situation of Fire and Explosion, if any attempt had been made to Light The Gas Heated Hot Water Boiler,?

A Situation that has Existed for over Five (5) years, Despite Numerous Council Officials being Made aware of this Disgraceful Situation ? 

In the light of Recent Events, the  Comments  by Rob Cook  after his Visual Inspection, including the phrase, uttered  at the time of his home visit and after his ocular  inspection of the Severe Property Damage, 

“it should never have been  built, and it should be demolished “?  

Prior to his Successful Election, as a De-Brus Ward Councillor,  Now appear to have been Nothing less than  False Indignation and Deceitful Political Electioneering, his aim was simply to gain more votes to achieve Political Office, the ends justify the means ? Or does it,?

Just to keep any  Reader attention focused, if there is any,? 

 Retrospective Planning application  H/2009/0568  was Granted by Two (2) Planning Officials, Case Planning Officer Richard Trow, assisted by Mr. Reece, Building Control Manager, without ANY involvement or Input of the Council Planning Committee, Despite Overwhelming Bone-Fide Evidence, KNOWN to Richard Trow, who had a Personal interest in this Project, ? that the Retrospective Applicants DID NOT Own the Freehold Land and Property ? 

This incident  Clearly Proves  Making Controversial Planning Decisions, knowing there are Allegations of  Criminality Unresolved, Without the Involvement of Democratically Elected  Councillors is Simply Prone to  Possible Corruption and Abuse. 
It is Certainly NOT “In the Public Interest”  for allegations of Serious Criminal acts by Council Officers to be   “Covered-Up”

More in Part Two?

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