Thursday, 26 May 2016

Wide Spread Corruption in Land Registry Durham- and Hartlepool Borough Councils

An update of my campaign to expose Wide Spread Corruption in both - Land Registry Durham- and Hartlepool Borough Councils and a polite reminder to my LABOUR Member of Parliament for Hartlepool-Iain Wright-who refuses to acknowledge my letters or take my allegations seriously-where have we heard this before- including the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council Peter Devlin-who knows the truth of my allegations- but remains silent!

Just a thought- is remaining silent when you know the truth- classed as aiding and abetting fraud –the internet is a wonderful way to seek knowledge-

Would you, like many an honest citizen, think that a crime may have been committed? Would you suppose that it could well have been a case of fraud? Or fraudulent deception -please read the interesting but idiotic written statement made by the head of land registry-Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. to Iain Wright-the Honourable Labour Member of Parliament for Hartlepool- and make up your own mind-is this another
A Classic case of Smoke and Mirrors

My understanding of Land Registry- Guidance Notes No.8 explaining the Land Registration Act 2002 is that Registered Title is “Guaranteed” by Government Legislation –I now find a little confusing –is this real or what! It certainly smells strongly of corruption-
The supposed investigation of my Serious Criminal Allegation by Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. Head of Land Registry was Requested by my M.P. Iain Wright, the Honourable Labour member of Parliament for Hartlepool to investigate my Complaints of serious Criminal Misconduct by some Land Registry Officials-namely- Richard Fearnley Land Registrar, Alan H Smith-Assistant Land Registrar, Malcolm Schofield- Office Manager, Anthony Lowes, official-Position Unknown! ALL-employed at Land Registry Durham-my allegations –-included –Misconduct in Public Office- Property Fraud-including attempting to pervert the course of justice by illegally altering the recorded details on our Registered Land Title Deeds-CE74844 “Absolute” Ex-Council House Freehold Land and Property-we had purchased in all good faith –on the 1st February 1984- from Hartlepool Borough Council- Pursuant to the Housing Act 1980-in Consideration of “Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds-£5,750.00- the Receipt –whereof-is hereby acknowledged-by Hartlepool Borough Council-hereinafter called the (Transferor) as beneficial owner hereby –(Convey)-to ALAN HARVEY FLOUNDERS-and-JACQUELINE FLOUNDERS-his-WIFE-the Land Shown-and –edged in –RED –on the Land Plan- No.M44,684-Title-“Sale of Council House”48 Ridlington Way-Hartlepool- The Title Plan –clearly shows –ALL- the Land and Property Purchased- including the Dwelling House and the Outbuildings –the entire estate –was “Conveyed” “Transferred” Recorded—and Registered-in both- the Property Register- and the Proprietorship  Register- at Land Registry Durham- by the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council -J.ANTHONY BROWN-on behalf of the “Sellers” of the Council House Land and Property-Hartlepool Borough Council on the 29.3.1984.

I personally find it very hard to accept Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. report of his internal investigation into my Serious Criminal allegations, in anyway- truthful-it is in my view- nothing other than a Complete Whitewash, an Un- Surprisingly Clumsy effort, to avoid exposing the truth -some might even say a staggering act of Criminal incompetence, most certainly it is without doubt-  a “hypocritical nonsense”,

Obviously my irrefutable  documentary evidence of  Purchase of the Property-  and the price paid to Hartlepool  Borough Council- of  “Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds-£5,750.00 for the Ex-Council House- Freehold -Land and Property in 1984- to  support my claim to be the victim of Criminal Fraud and Misconduct in Public Office-were “Not” Considered  a Serious enough –issue- to interest the Honourable Labour member of Parliament for Hartlepool Iain Wright, M.P. –who appeared to have accepted, accepted without Question, Malcolm Dawson’s O.B.E. explanation that he had conducted a thorough Internal investigation into my Serious Criminal allegations of Gross Misconduct in Public Office, by Officials employed in Land Registry, Durham, and found nothing wrong- and was satisfied that the “Original Survey Documents had been “Destroyed,” but the “Copy” of  the Unsigned  “Original” Survey Documents had “Survived” which said, Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. Could to be“ Considered” as an “Authentic Copy,” of the “Original” Survey Documents, ? unbelievable-
It is important to Note that, Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. did NOT claim that the Authentic Copy of the Original Survey Documents, that survived-  was an “Official Copy” of the entries in the Register of Title DU37533, and it most Certainly does “NOT” provide Proof of Property Purchase or Conveyance or a Recorded Record of the Transfer of Ownership of Any Freehold Land and Property, Claimed by Alan H Smith- assistant Land Registrar-  to have been Purchased  by the B141 applicant- in 1972 from Hartlepool Borough Council, (Eight years before the Law giving Council House Tenants the Right to Buy Council House Property was introduced in 1980) . and would “NOT” be accepted or admissible as Evidence of Purchase in a Court of Law, to the Same Extent, as a Time and Dated “Official Copy” of the “Original” Entries in the Register of Title-

I firmly believe our evidence of Property Ownership- proves the B141 claim to be absolutely spurious. Which clearly –in my view- establishes the suspicion that Alan H Smith an assistant Land Registrar a senior government official in public office of Land Registry- Durham- had colluded and conspired with the B141 applicant- and officials of Hartlepool Borough Council- particularly Richard Trow- planning officer and others -to gain  property by criminal deception- intending to pervert the course of justice- ownership of part of  registered property-CE74844 “Absolute”  on which the B141 applicant –had previously and unlawfully erected –without planning permission- -part of their kitchen extension-and attached it to the immediate neighbours property -causing severe structural criminal damage to private property ! –
      Malcolm Dawson M.B.E Head of Land Registry, Controversial-highly suspicious  written Statement to Iain Wright, the Honourable Labour member of Parliament for Hartlepool is in my Opinion a Deliberate Misleading Deceitful and Dishonest attempt by a Senior Official in a Government Public Office-Land Registry, to Deliberately Divert attention away from “All” my Criminal Allegations ,that Paid Public Officials in one of his own Government Departments are Guilty of Serious Criminal activities including conspiracy to  pervert the course of justice- including- “Fraud” in Public Office-  and is nothing more than a Desperate attempt to Muddy the Waters regarding  his Claim to have fully investigated my Allegations of Land and Property Fraud by Officials in Land Registry, Durham.
For Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. Head of Land Registry to even suggest or imply that this so called “Authentic Copy,” of the “Original” Destroyed Survey Documents, would be acceptable in a Court of Law as a Bono-Fide Legal Document as Proof of Property Purchase and Transfer from Hartlepool Borough Council, is absolutely ridiculous-absolute nonsense!
Unfortunately this written assurance by Malcolm Dawson M,B,E, that an Internal Investigation had been undertaken ,appeared to have been very quickly accepted, without question or any hesitation by Iain Wright, M.P. for Hartlepool- and it must therefore be assumed, in my view- that Iain Wright, Labour, M. P. for Hartlepool, accepted without any reservations, the truthfulness of Malcolm Dawson M.B.E. claim to have fully investigated my Serious allegations of Criminal Wrongdoing in Public Office, by Officials in his own Government Department Land Registry, Durham-
Iain Wright, M.P. for  Hartlepool-has “Never” indicated to me, “Nor” ever asked , to the best of my knowledge, to see this- evidence of a Authentic Copy” of the “Original” Survey Documents, which Claimed by Malcolm Dawson O.B.E .to have been “Destroyed”

I  don’t think it  would have been unreasonable- for Iain Wright, M.P. to have Requested Malcolm Dawson M.B.E. to produce and make available for “Examination” and “Validation” this contradictory and highly suspicious  evidence he undoubtedly claimed to have  discovered, in his internal investigation, which would have provided irrefutable substantial evidence, to seriously challenge all my previous  Serious Allegations of Corruption including Property Fraud and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice- by Officials of Land Registry, Durham,
 It must be Remembered that to accept this Statement from Malcolm Dawson O.B.E is to Cast Very Serious Doubts and Questions the Honesty and High Professional Standards and Financial Integrity which one would expect from “ALL” the Solicitors involved in the“Selling” and the “Buying” of this “Registered” Freehold Council House Property,CE74844 “Absolute” Purchased in all good faith- on the 1st February 1984- from Hartlepool Borough Council- pursuant to the Housing Act 1980- in Consideration of “Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds” £5,750.00.  Particularly Levinson Walker and Lister, Solicitors retained by the Buyers of the Freehold Property.
In addition to the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council, J Anthony Brown, who acts on behalf of the “Sellers” Hartlepool Borough Council, Conveyed, Transferred, Registered and Filed all the recorded Property details in Both the Property and Proprietorship Registers  at Land Registry Durham on the 29th March 1984,  
There is also an “Official Copy” of the Register of Title CE74844 “Absolute” issued by Land Registry Durham on the 10th October 2008 shows the entries in the Register of Title CE74844 “Absolute” on the 9th October 2008 at 10.55.27. Which Confirms & Validates the “Original” Property Registration with Land Registry Durham on the 29th March 1984,
Under s67 of the Land Registration Act 2002, this “Official Copy” which is admissible in evidence to the same extent as the “Original”
This Statement, from Malcolm Dawson O.B.E. must also seriously question the Honesty -Integrity and Professional Competence of the Chief Engineer and Senior Surveyor of Hartlepool Borough Council -B.R. Davies, B.Sc., who it is important to remember- was the Responsible Person even prior to 1972? for the Production of “All” Written Pre-Sale Land Title Property Surveys & Land Plans-  of Council House Freehold Land and Property, sold by Hartlepool Borough Council, including the Land and Freehold Property Survey Title Plan Number M 44,684-Sale of Council House 48 Ridlington Way-Hartlepool-dated September 1983,and was acting in his Official Capacity of Senior Surveyor on Behalf of the “Sellers” Hartlepool Borough Council, who it Must be Noted, Confirmed and Validated , in Writing that “All” the details including the Detached Outside Wash-House Buildings as Specifically Requested by the “Buyers” Solicitors Levinson Walker & Lister  Recorded on the Property Survey Number M 44,684 in September 1983 and on the Land Title Deeds CE 74844 “Absolute” were confirmed as “Correct”  
(c )
In addition it is very important to remember that the Solicitors Levinson Walker and Lister, Legally Representing and Acting on behalf of the “Buyers” of the Council House Freehold Land and Property, CE7488 “Absolute” in February 1984, accepted, Unreservedly in all Good Faith all the Bono-Fide Legal Documents of the Sale and Purchase of the Freehold Council House Land and Property, from J Anthony Brown, the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council,
If anyone was to Seriously accept Malcolm Dawson O.B.E Statement, it must also bring in to question the Honesty Integrity and the Legal Competence of the “Buyers” Solicitors, Levinson Walker and Lister, and Must also cast doubts on the Honesty & Integrity of “All” the “Original” Signatories Appended on the “Original” Land Title Deeds, CE 74844 “Absolute” Including the Lord Mayor of Hartlepool J. JONES, and the Chief Executive-Mr-ABRAHAMS- who were all involved in the “Selling” and “Buying” of Council House Property from Hartlepool Borough Council in 1984
All the “Ownership” details first Registered in the Register of Title CE74844 “Absolute” on the 29th March 1984 were “Confirmed” and “Validated” on the “Official Copy” of Title CE74844 “Absolute” showing all the “entries” recorded in the register of title CE74844 “Absolute” on the 9th October 2008 at 10.55.27 issued by Land Registry Durham, on the 10thOctober 2008,
The “Original” Land Title Deeds, CE74844 “Absolute” Purchased in all good faith- on the 1st February 1984- from Hartlepool Borough Council- pursuant to the Housing Act 1980- in Consideration of “Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds” £5,750.00. was conveyed- registered at Land Registry Durham, and the “Pre-Sale” of Council House Property “Title Plan No. 44684 was confirmed and validated as correct by J Jones, the Lord Mayor of Hartlepool, plus the following Senior Council Officials, the Chief Solicitor J Anthony Brown, the Chief Engineer and Senior Surveyor B.R. Davies, B.Sc. representing the “Sellers” of the Council Property and accepted as Correct by Levinson Walker and Lister Solicitors representing the “Buyers” of the Property
For Alan H Smith Assistant Land Registrar Durham- to support this B141 application to claim ownership- on the spurious drawing SP 78983-dated 1971-When both council houses were owned by Hartlepool Borough Council-and were occupied by two separate weekly rent paying tenants-and later  two (2) coloured Photograph of an Outside Toilet , is absolutely Unbelievable  and would clearly indicate to any law abiding individual that Alan H Smith assistant Land Register Durham, is without any doubt  either total incompetent of the Law or totally dishonest, masquerading as an Assistant Land Registrar without “Any” knowledge of the Land Registration Act 2002, or the Guidance Notes No 8 which very clearly explains and Clarifies the Registration Process which states a “Registered” title is “Guaranteed ”
Land and Property purchased and paid for by a Mortgage “Must” be a serious consideration ,by everyone who Purchased a Council House Property by a “Mortgage” what Freehold Estate was purchased and is it legally in our  ownership, I firmly believe –although not legally qualified- that the following  Officials of Land Registry, Durham,
Richard Fernley Land Registrar Alan H Smith, Assistant Land Registrar -Andrew Schofield,Office Manager, Anthony Lowes,Position Unknown should  be jointly held “vicariously liable” and are certainly Guilty of “Fraud” for allowing some of their employees to Fraudulently and therefore Illegally attempt to deprive us of Land and Property we legally purchased, in all good faith- on the 1st February 1984- from Hartlepool Borough Council- pursuant to the Housing Act 1980- in Consideration of “Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds” £5,750.00. Conveyed and Registered in the Register of Title on 29th March 1984.

To accept a B141 Application in “October 2008” as did  Alan H Smith  to alter the entries in the Register of Title CE74844 “Absolute” first registered some 24 years previously on 29th March 1984, is not only Highly Suspicious but contradicts the Land Registration Act ,see Public guidance Notes No 8- and for Alan H Smith, Assistant Land Registrar Durham, who  also later accepted- Two (2) Coloured Photographs of an Outside Toilet Door has greater proof of Land and Property “Ownership” than the original registered Land Title CE74844 “Absolute” is beyond belief and understanding to give credence to the fraudulent B141  documentation produced to falsely claim ownership of Land and Property “Must” be questioned and produced for examination-
Why are there No other documentary Proof of “Ownership“ NO entries whatsoever recorded in the register of title, DU37533, which was claimed to have been purchased from Hartlepool Borough Council and Conveyed to Land Registry Durham-in 1972.

These original documents were ALL Inspected and Closely Examined in our home on Monday-11th August 2008,
No Documentary evidence of purchase or proof of any description-was –produced to say or indicate that any part of the Registered Land and Property CE74844 “Absolute” was ever Purchased-from Hartlepool Borough Council in 1972. ? WHY –if they were “Genuine claims of purchase”
There are absolutely NO additional entries shown or described on the “Official Copy “of Title Plan No.M44684- dated September 1983-. by the Chief Engineer and Senior Surveyor B.R.Davies, B.Sc. of Hartlepool Borough Council and counter signed by the Mayor of Hartlepool Borough Council, J Jones and endorsed by N.S.Abrahams Chief Executive- stamped with the Hartlepool Town Seal.

The Title Plan No.M44684- Title –Sale of Council House- 48 Ridlington Way-Hartlepool- dated September 1983- clearly shows-ALL-the Land and property edged in RED- Purchased  & Transferred-from Hartlepool Borough Council on the 1stFebruary 1984- in Pursuant of the Housing Act 1980 in Consideration of Five Thousand Seven  Hundred and Seventy five Pounds £5,750.00 . HARTLEPOOL BOROUGH COUNCIL hereby conveys to ALAN HARVEY FLOUNDERS and JACQUELINE PFLOUNDERS his WIFE-the land shown and edged in RED on the above Title Plan-
ALL the above legal documents of Purchase & Registration of Land Title CE748844 “Absolute” are available for Examination-if required to further prove Confirm and Validate that WE are the Lawful owners of the Land and Property in dispute.
My Research Of Various Legal Sites On The Internet-Has Revealed Numerous Interesting Facts-On Land And Property Law-The Registration Act 1925-Law Of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions ) ACT  1989-My understanding of Land Registry-Guidance Notes No.8 explains the Land Registration Act 2002 in that Registered Title is “Guaranteed” by Government Legislation further more-it is also my understanding –“That Land Registry’s  ONLY Remit-is to Record- ALL The Information Conveyed To Them-By The Solicitors Acting On Behalf of the Sellers Or Buyers Of The Property-Land Registry Have No Legal Authority –to Alter ANY  of the Details Submitted  for Registration of ANY Land/Property Bought or Sold by Conveyancing/Solicitors-  could this be the real reason that Alan H Smith –assistant Land Registrar and his assistant Colleague-Anthony Lowes-where a little nervous in our presence at the Land Registry meeting in December 2008- see my Blog- Or Google-the Coffin Dodger! To read more ?

Without Prejudice also found in: Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Wikipedia.-Without any loss or waiver of rights or privileges.
Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders

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