Friday, 20 November 2015


A claim of right is a genuine belief held by a person that they have a bona fide claim of right to certain money or property- Absolute Title' to a property gives unequivocal right of ownership to the owner, and cannot be disputed or challenged by anyone else-
“Title Absolute” given to a property -is the best class to have -as it is indefeasible - legal definition: a right or title in property that -cannot be- disputed or challenged -made void, defeated or cancelled by any past event, error or omission in the title- by anyone -this class of title- absolute-will only be granted by Land Registry-if-when the title is first presented for registration- the person applying for registration-J Anthony Brown- the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council-can show an unbroken chain of ownership going back at least 15 years-
Hartlepool council officials- including- Peter Devlin- Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Council-have developed a culture of covering-up for their wrongdoing and will go to any lengths (including blaming a fellow officer) to cover-up the shambles that they now are.
They have shamefully conspired and collaborated together-to suppress the truth-of Property purchase and Registered ownership- and made deliberate misleading and dishonest- decisions- in Public Office-fully intending- to Pervert and Obstruct the Course of Justice-this is probably a good time to highlight- the Nolan Principles covering behaviour in public life- which covers INTEGRITY-Holders of Public Office Must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work-
 To prove my allegations :-
Here is Photograph evidence- of the unsafe- monstrosity of a building- an eyesore- a large and unsightly-blot on the landscape-built without planning permission but  granted retrospective planning permission-by Richard Trow- Hartlepool Council Project Planning Officer –you can clearly see-it is physically attached and overhanging our property- causing severe structural damage to the brickwork of our Detached Wash House building- in addition- this dangerous monstrosity of a kitchen extension-is-deliberately blocking off-the essential gas ventilation ducts -purposely designed and positioned-high in the rear wall of our- detached outbuildings- with the express purpose- to allow the safe un-interrupted escape to the outside atmosphere of ANY build-up of TOXIC and EXPLOSIVE  GASSES

Note-the loose brickwork in the top right hand corner- this deliberate irresponsible action by the cowboy builders- in blocking off- these essential gas escape ducts-could have had serious life threatening repercussions-on ANY member of the legal property owners family-had they-in all innocence- attempted to ignite-and use the detached wash house internal gas heated hot water boiler-a facility the legal- owners and his family- were fully entitled to use- but have now been permanently and unjustly denied- the safe use of their gas heated hot water boiler- and the other associated  washing facilities- a clear breach of Article 1-Protacol 1- of the European Convention of Human Rights-says -every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions !to qualify under this article the right or interest must have an economic value- or be of a pecuniary nature-

It is very important and should be remembered-that Hartlepool Borough Council-were the Original “Sellers” of the Ex-Council Freehold Property-Registered Land Title CE74844 “Absolute” which we -purchased in all Good Faith from Hartlepool Borough Council in February 1984-
The estate was Conveyed-Transferred-Registered-and  entered-in the Land Register and Recorded in both the “Property Register” and the “Proprietorship Register”-on Land Title Deeds CE74844 “Absolute” - by J Anthony Brown- the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council- On the 29th 3.1984-

“Title Absolute” given to a property -is the best class to have – is free of any encumbrances or deficiencies-it gives unequivocal right of ownership to the owner, as it is indefeasible - legal definition : a right or title in property that -cannot be- disputed or challenged –made void, defeated or cancelled by any past event, error or omission in the title-by anyone  else-- even if a person can PROVE that they would be, but for the present proprietorships registration- with title absolute entitled to be registered as the proprietor this class of title-absolute- will only be granted by land registry-if-when the title is first presented for registration- the person applying for registration-J Anthony Brown- the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council-can show an unbroken chain of ownership going back at least 15 years-
This term “Absolute Title” is also known as a perfect title-is usually applied to an estate or right that cannot be defeated-revoked, or made void.
 If you fight for your legal  rights-you might lose- BUT -if you don't fight for what is right- you will ALWAYS lose-!







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