of the Carbuncle of a Kitchen Extension-
Note the unsafe-ugly-Cow Boy Brickwork-brickwork in the top right hand
corner- build without seeking planning permission from
Hartlepool-Planning Authority- and illegally attached and overlooking- a
neighbour’s freehold property- causing severe damage-but given a (Certificate of Lawfulness) by Richard Trow- Hartlepool Council’s Project
Planning Officer- and Mr Reece- Development Control Manager despite our objections-
and -
(a) Breaching
the Building
(b) Town and Country
Planning Act-1990-erected on Freehold Property- NOT
in the Retrospectives Planning applicants-legal Ownership-
“Ownership Certificates” are a
Statutory Requirement of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990– sections
65(5) /65(6)-attempting to gain Pecuniary advantage by Deception-
is also fraud under the Fraud Act 2006.
(c) Health and Safety Regulations-
1974- creating a life threatening –Confined space-when
deliberately Blocking Off- the Gas Escape Ducts – positioned high in the rear
wall of the wash-house building- to Vent to an Outside atmosphere any built up of dangerous
Gasses-including severe damage to the property-
(d) by
allowing further work to continue- increasing the damage already done to the
detached wash-house-by the illegal
building- now seeking retrospective approval-any further building work
Should have Ceased-until urgent remedial work had started ?-
(e)The MOTIVE –why the
Retrospective applicants-H/2009/0568-failed
to originally apply to Hartlepool Planning authority for planning permission- was to
save- MONEY-
a deliberate-very simple-well thought out plan- deliberately intended
to deceive the Hartlepool planning authorities-including ourselves--NO- Planning
Application-means- NO- Neighbours –to be asked if they objected-
(f)Please -
Remember- the Project
Planning Officer- Richard Trow -
had been- engaged by the
retrospective planning applicants H/2009/0568-as
their Draughtsman to supply the Drawings for their new kitchen extension-and-to
ensure a (Certificate of Lawfulness) was obtained-including –ONE- for
this monstrosity of an extension-Note
the unsafe-ugly-Cow-Boy-Brickwork in the top right hand corner.

The motivation for
committing such a devious deception- was-
again quite simple- MONEY- it was-without doubt-
much- CHEAPER- to
have the Project Planning Officer- Richard Trow-
in their pocket-to Guarantee a Certificate of Lawfulness- than to have their- illegally erected- unsafe-Carbuncle
of a kitchen extension- erected on private
property- justifiably DEMOLISHED –which Would and Should -
have happened-if our objections- had been fully investigated or Discussed- which they were –NOT-by the Democratically elected- Hartlepool Planning Committee-
This-was a deliberate
well thought out- ploy- by Richard Trow-who
you -must
-remember had been- engaged by the
retrospective planning applicants H/2009/0568-as their draughtsman to supply the
drawings for their new kitchen extension-and-to help them-with their
retrospective planning application- to ensure and Guarantee-a
(Certificate of Lawfulness) was obtained- ?
For Richard Trow-to achieve this
devious- (Certificate
of Lawfulness)-it was absolutely essential-
to avoid at all costs the
involvement of the Hartlepool Elected Planning Committee) - Who- on the irrefutable evidence
presented-would- have-rejected- the illegal Controversial Retrospective
application H/2009/0568-resulting-in
the astronomical financial Costs involved - to DEMOLISH- the ugly- unsafe- Carbuncle of a Kitchen Extension
It should also
be noted- that
the Guidance notes -handed down by High
Court Judge –Sir Thayne Forbes-sitting
in the Queens Division-when dismissing the appeal- of Robert Fidler-pursuant-to s289-of the Town and Country Planning
-Guidance notes-for Local Council to follow
BEFORE Granting a Certificate of Lawfulness to
applicants Seeking Retrospective Planning
Permission-were completely ignored – as were his notes on Retrospective
Planning applicants -who had Previously & Deceitfully built Extensions
without applying for Council planning- hoping to benefit from the four year
rule-they would-NOT-be-
protected by the 4 year rule-if obtained by
Naturally- these guidance notes for councils to follow- were-quickly-
and Contemptuously Dismissed by Richard Trow--project planning officer- and Mr Reece-Development Control Manager-as Irrelevant and unimportant-
NOT- Surprising when one Considers that these TWO (2)- Highly Paid- Hartlepool Council Officials- had NO repeat
NO legal Qualifications-whatsoever, and did
not wish to know-or-hear such Legal Guidance- notes Handed
down by a High Court Judge –Sir Thayne Forbes-
Richard Trow-assisted by Mr Reece Development
Control Manager- Criminally Conspired-Jointly-to
sit in judgement on their OWN designed kitchen
extension-to Grant a Certificate of Lawfulness –without
any involvement of the planning committee-
This was a-Guaranteed- NO Loss
Situation- for any dishonest-Council Planning Official –to be placed in- these two (2) despicable Council Officials- were
allowed-to -sit and be Judge and Jury- on a legally flawed-unsafe- Retrospective Planning
application- H/2009/0568- Designed by themselves–knowing- it was-
unsafely-attached too-and overhanging- causing severe structural damage to a neighbour’s
freehold property-and without
any hesitation-they- gave it a Certificate of
Lawfulness-doesn’t that tell you something?
This unsavoury despicable action by
two highly paid council officials- in Public Office- is Unforgivable- they acted like-two (2) School Boys- alone in
their Classroom- who-in the absence of a School teacher-saw the opportunity –to
mark their own examination papers-naturally- they awarded themselves a very
high score- their actions are –unforgivable--indefensible –a clear abuse of their positions of
trust-in Public Office-
Planning Corruption is normal-in most
towns-here in Hartlepool it is Endemic- to prove
my point- would you believe this
outrageous decision- appears to be supported by no other-than Peter Devlin- the
chief solicitor- of Hartlepool Borough Council- himself - ?
Read my Blog -
it’s all there
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