Thursday, 6 June 2013


epartment for Communities &Local Government 
Wednesday, 5 June 2013 at 15.35

Dear Sirs, 
Thank you for your latest response to my E-Mail- It appears  though- that you have completely misunderstood my Correspondence .  I was NOT  seeking legal advice from  Eric Pickles M.P. Secretary  for the Department  for Communities & Local Government- but to Congratulate him on his  Comments in a letter to Hilary Benn, the Shadow Communities Secretary Highlighting a Report of  a  undercover  investigation - into the Suspicious  Public life- of Newcastle Council.!

“If I turn a green field into an estate then I’m not doing it for peanuts” by Clair Newell, Holly Watt-Ben Bryant- believed to be undercover  reporters  from the Daily  Telegraph. -

The  Three (3) Newcastle Councillors  involved, may have broken the law ?
 In the system of Deciding Planning Permission -Despite Very  Strong opposition  from Residents, a story -published in the Public Domain on Wednesday 13th March 2013. 

We all know this is only the tip of the Iceberg - Particularly in Labour  Dominated Council’s in the North-East - A Breeding- Ground for Political Corruption - going back  countless years- ? We seemed to have produced quite a number-  I remember ( I don't suffer from  Political Amnesia like some Local Councillors)  the names of some leading political  figures- going to jail-  to  some it  might appear -Corruption-   is becoming  a family tradition- ?

  I was  merely highlighting my Own Personal experiences and to show that a  Similar Situation of Planning Irregularities- still  exists to this day- in Hartlepool Borough Council- - by Council  Officials of  this  Local Council-

A Council -it should be Noted-  Dominated by the Labour Party- for over 45+ years- who appear to think by their actions  or lack of them-   that they are  above the Law!  by  deliberately Ignoring -  the Statutory Regulations & Requirements - Your Office stated to me -were  needed required   under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990!  Before Granting  Planning Applications ?  

I also thank you for the additional information- that under section 65(5)  of the Town & Country Planning  Act 1990-  it is an Offence  to issue False Ownership Certificates
This  Clearly reinforces & further Supports & Highlights the Legal Requirements Contained in a Letter from  Jullian  Hastings , MRTPI, Planning Development  Management !  Department of Communities & Local Government - I received  on the 1st.September 2010! -
Completely Ignored by Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Department Officials-  & My (3)  Elected Labour Councillors!  ROB COOK- SHEILA GRIFFIN & SANDRA TEMPEST! All Claiming to Represent the people of the DE-BRUS Ward! if you believe that ! 

I would have thought that Hilary Benn, the Shadow Communities Secretary  would have been a little embarrassed to be told -   that other area’s of the North-East- are Politically  Corrupt- !  Hartlepool is a Prime example ! 

Every day more Hanky-Panky is Unearthed!  The latest Scandal will shortly be Exposed!  

For you to suggest I speak to my Local Planning Authority is Laughable-  although - I accept your comments are  made  in Good Faith-!

 Simply because Richard Trow, Case Planning Officer  &  Mr Reece, Development Control Manager- of Hartlepool Borough Council-  are the very same  people - the Main Untouchable  Culprits - who Initially Granted the  Retrospective application   H/2009/0568 - assisted  by Hilary Martin- Solicitor- &; Freedom of Information Officer -& Alyson Carman - Solicitor  &Complaints Reviewer - ALL-   being  fully aware that the  Ownership Certificates “A” “B” “C” &“D” Submitted  by the Retrospective applicants  H/2009/0568?  - Were False - when Claiming Ownership of the Freehold Land & Property on which  the Kitchen Extension  was Originally  Built On!

It was my Understanding from  your Correspondence- that Ownership of the Property seeking Planning Permission -was a Statutory Requirement-of the Town &Country Planning Act 1990!  

They ALL knew that the Applicants H/2009/0568?  for Retrospective Planning - did “NOT” own  “ANY”  of the Registered Freehold Land & Property CE74844 “Absolute”  which it should be Noted-  had been Purchased from Hartlepool Borough Council themselves - Transferred & Registered by the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council   J Anthony Brown, at Land Registry Durham 0n the 29th March 1984!  

All-though they did Deceitfully Try  with the Help of Alan Smith-the Assistant Land Registrar,  Durham, & RICHARD DAWSON  O.B.E. HEAD OF LAND REGISTRY- & TWO  (2) Coloured Photographs of an Outside toilet Door to  alter the Entries in the Registered Title Deed  CE 74844 “Absolute”  
Registered Title is "Guaranteed" by the Government! 
So they say! 

It is Not only Local Councils  were Fraud & Corruption  can be found! 
Land Registry-Durham, are also Guilty-- see previous Posts- 

I have the Original Freehold Land Title  Deeds of Registration  CE74844 “Absolute” Filed in the  Property Register & the Proprietorship Register- & the Pre-Sale Land Survey Documents  No.M44,684-  by the Chief Hartlepool Borough  Engineer & Surveyor  B.R. DAVIES- B.Sc  Including a Hand Written Survey of the Detached Outbuildings -Confirming  the Internal   Structural Details of  the  Outside Wash-House Building as Requested  by  my Solicitors -Levinson -Walker &Lister- ?

I Conclude that my allegations Specify with Sufficient Clarity the  Breach of  Planning Control ! & also that the above  Named Hartlepool Borough Council Officials  of  both the Legal & Planning Departments - have Behaved Unreasonably &; Dishonestly & have Abused their  Public Office- & have tried to  Perverted the Course of Justice- and thereby caused an Innocent  party to incur a Financial Loss including  Legal Expenses unnecessarily! 
“Fraud” plain & Simple! 

To say that I am disappointed  that the  Office of the Secretary   for the Department for  Communities & Local Government Eric Pickles M.P.   appears to have NO Authority Whatsoever  to Reprimand  &  Remind  Hartlepool Councils  Legal &  Planning Officials  of their Responsibilities &Obligations - both  Legally &  Morally - to abide by  the Law!   Particularly  their duties to  investigating any   Reported Clear Breaches of  of  Planning Statutory  Regulations!   is Disgraceful!  

What  is the Point of Having  a Government  Department  for Communities & Local  Government- if they are unable to ensure that Local Councils  abide by  their Legal Requirements? 

I find it personally strange - that the Secretary - can  write to Hilary Benn, the Labour  Shadow Communities Secretary Highlighting an undercover  investigation - into  public life- in Newcastle-  but his Planning Development teams only Response to me -  is -  Report it to the Police! 

 This answer leaves me a  little bewildered!  Never Mind- at least we All know that The Department of Communities & Local Government  is  Now Toothless-  

It is pointless this Government  introducing any new   Planning  Legislation -  Hartlepool Planning Authority  for One- - will  just Ignore  them-as they do with the Present Statutory Regulations-!

I have Highlighting & Reported & will Continue to Published in the Public Domain- if only -to  leave - What one might Call- a  Permanent Paper Trail- 
of my  Allegations of the  Gross Misconduct & Planning Irregularities  I have 
experienced by  some Elected  Labour Councillors & some Unelected Council officials- of  Hartlepool Borough Council ! 

I will now follow your Sound  Advice & Report my Allegations of Fraud-  Abuse of Office &  Perverting the Course of Justice - to Cleveland Police Authority ! 

Copies  of the above -sent by E-maim- as Usual to:-
the Local Member of Parliament for Hartlepool -  Iain Wright. M.P. 

To the Three (3) MEPs--
Stephen Hughes      (Labour)
Fiona Hall                 (Liberal Democrat)
Martin Callanan    (Conservative)

My  (3) Three  DE-BRUS Labour Party- Ward Councillors,

Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders

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