Tuesday 13th September 2011.
I wish to Thank once again my Member of Parliament, Iain Wright M.P. for Hartlepool, who has informed me, to-day, that he has received a letter of acknowledgement from the Customer Service office of Land Registry, in respect of my Serious Allegation of Misfeasance in Public Office by Officers employed in Land Registry, Durham,
Who state they will give a full response as soon as possible,
Does this mean that a possible Internal Investigation will be launched at last, into my allegations, that I was defrauded of a part of our legally purchased Land and Property, first “ Registered” with Land Registry on 29th March 1984 on Land Title Deeds CE 74844.”Absolute”. Watch this space !
In the Interest of fair play, and to keep my M.P. Iain Wright up to speed on my Complaints regarding Land Registry and Hartlepool Borough Council,
(they have both played a disgraceful part in this sordid affair ) and I have Documentary Evidence to prove it.
I think a little background information is required to enable everyone else interested, and any one who purchases a ex-Council House has in my case, or property by a “Mortgage” should be particularly vigilant and know what you should guard against in dealing with Land Registry. And to form an opinion on this on- going dispute with both Hartlepool Borough Council, in particular the Planning Department and Land Registry, Durham. “Remember” It could happen to you,
“Everything is Funny as long as it is happening to somebody else,” (Will Rogers)
I wish to make it clear from the start that this Peaceable Protest is“NOT” I repeat “NOT” a planning application dispute as such, it is, and always was,
a Protest against the Granting of a Controversial Retrospective Planning application H/2009/0568, by Richard Trow, Planning Officer and Mr Reece, Development Control Manager, of Hartlepool Council, who decided to “Grant” this particular controversial application, without any input or discussion with the Elected Councillors of the Planning Committee , and in the full knowledge that the Controversial Retrospective application was invalid, in that it contained Fraudulent Documents, in the form of Ownership Certificates “A” and “B”. claiming Ownership of Land and Property “NOT” in their Legal Land Title. DU 37533.These ownership certificates are part of the standard application form.
1 September 2010
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your enquiry to the Department for Communities and Local Government. The answers to your questions are:
Ownership certificates
50. Under section 65(5) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, read in conjunction with Article 7 of the GDPO, the local planning authority “must not” entertain an application for planning permission unless the relevant certificates concerning the ownership of the application site have been completed. All applications for planning permission must therefore include the appropriate certificate of ownership. An ownership certificate A, B, C or D must be completed stating the ownership of the property. For this purpose an ‘owner’ is anyone with a freehold interest, or leasehold interest the unexpired term of which is not less than seven years. Ownership certificates must also be completed for applications for listed building consent, and conservation area consent for demolition.
David Cameron (Prime Minister; Witney, Conservative) Questions September 7 th 2011,
What I would say is that it is a basic issue of fairness: everyone in this country has to obey the law, including the law about planning permission Where this has been done without permission it is an illegal development
Richard Trow Planning Case Officer for Hartlepool Borough Council, was I believe , the draughtsman, who first drew-up the drawing for the Planning application, later changed to a Retrospective Application, H/2009/0568,
( NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST THERE THEN ) after it was discovered
that the kitchen extension previously erected had been built without Planning Permission, and was physically attached (Tied-In) to our detached outside single skin NON-LOAD BEARING Rear Wall of the Wash-House, Completely Blocking off the Ventilation Ducts and preventing
the uninterrupted free flow of any build up of Toxic Gasses to the outside atmosphere, leaving a possible very dangerous situation of Fire or Explosion., if anyone attempted to ignite the internal Gas Boiler. ( I later had the Gas supply disconnected ) it had also caused structural damage to our Wash -House building.
My neighbours asked if they could have a meeting to discuss the problems and would we agree to Produce our Land Title Deeds CE74844, for Inspection and Compare them with their Land Title Deeds DU 37533,
in the interest of good neighbours we agreed, to a meeting to take place in our home, It very soon become apparent after both Title Deeds had been thoroughly examined by all parties, that the Detached Wash-House in dispute was in our Land Title CE74844 “Absolute” and we were the undisputed legal owners, and had been since it had been first “Registered” at Land Registry, on 29th March, 1984.
The neighbours Title Deeds DU37533, were examined , inspected and compared by all present , they showed “NO” details that could be construed as ownership of any Land or Property in this dispute.
Nor could they produce any other documentation to challenge our ownership.
Nothing , not one single Document, NO” pre-purchase “Sale of Council House” Property Search and Survey by B.R. Davies, B .S .c. C. Eng. M.I.C.E. Senior Engineer and Chief Surveyor of Hartlepool Borough Council , the (Seller) to compare to ours below. ( after all is said and done, ) B.R. Davies, B .S .c. C. Eng. M.I.C.E. Senior Engineer and Chief Surveyor of Hartlepool Borough Council, held the same office of Chief Surveyor, in 1972, the Time of the sale of Council Property, DU 37533, Registered and Recorded and was responsible for all Council Surveys as below:-
also Examined was our Pre-Purchase “Sale of Council House” Property Search and Survey , No. M44684 by B.R. Davies, B .S .c. C. Eng. M.I.C.E. Senior Engineer and Chief Surveyor of Hartlepool Borough Council , dated September 1983 , which also had attached a “Hand Written” Survey Report Document” for the attention of the “BUYERS” Solicitors, Levinson, Walker & Lister, of Hartlepool clearly “ Confirming” that “ALL” the Land and Property Details Surveyed, and Recorded on Land Title Deeds CE 74844 “Absolute” had been “Checked“ and were “Validated” as “CORRECT” Dated, September 1983?
In the light of all this Documentary Evidence our neighbour accepted that
They had been mistaken and after requesting to view and inspect the structural damage their extension had caused, to our property, she said, she would stop any further building work they had planned and would rectify the structural damage to our property. August 2008, (I could say more, but will not at this moment of time )
Like a any good neighbour of 46 years, I accepted these promises made and had no doubt that they would be honoured. Needless to say, I was later very Disappointed and Disgusted , when we received a B141 application from Land Registry, in October 2008,
more on my challenge to Land Registry and this B141 application, in my next post, and I will explain in more detail the following :-
It beggars belief that someone in a position of authority in Land Registry, could think it’s acceptable as Definitive Proof of Property Ownership,
To accept the following:-
(a) Documents that are “NOT” described as an “Official Copy of The Register of Entries” and are therefore “NOT” admissible as Evidence of the contents of the Register, (Under Section 67 of the Land Registration Act 2002, )
(b) Two (2) Coloured Photographs of an Outside Toilet Door.
The above is no joke,
A person is Entitled to Rely on the Contents of the Land Register as “Definitive” evidence of the state of the Legal Title and anyone who, in placing reliance on the Registers, suffers loss because of an error by the Registrar, is generally entitled to compensation.! ?
Remember the Words of the late Lord Chief Justice-Lord Denning-who said- No Court in this Land-will allow a person to keep an advantage- he has obtained by fraud- No judgement of a Court-No Order of a Minister-, can be allowed to stand- if it has been obtained by fraud- FRAUD- unravels everything-
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Who Says Members of Parliament Don't Care
Who Says Members of Parliament don’t Care
Tuesday 6TH September 2011.
My Member of Parliament Mr Iain Wright, M.P. has Responded to my Letter of Complaint, published on this Blog. On Friday 22nd July 2011.
Be Prepared to Stand Up and Fight for Your Right to Own Your Home
A little Background History of my Long and Loud Campaign to expose the Dishonest and Suspicious possible Criminal activities committed by Officers employed by Land Registry, Durham and similar dishonest activities by employees of Hartlepool Borough Council.
I still believe that Favouritism, Nepotism, Cronyism, personal Greed, is still very much alive and kicking, in Hartlepool Council Chambers, as is the
memory loss epidemic sweeping through the Chambers, The “I don’t recall saying that” is such a great get out of jail free card,
Common sense and logic would dictate that any person with such a lousy memory would be lying ( where have I heard that word before ) or are simply incompetent, anyway, I think there are many in Hartlepool Council both Elected and Unelected who are in urgent need of Psychiatric treatment or at least an assessment, it appears that quite a number of Elected and Unelected Officers, are becoming obsessed , anxious and appear depressed ,
could it possible be that the disgraceful decision to close the Hartlepool Hospital has anything to do with it.?
No, I am not a Doctor in support of the Hospital, although I do think it should remain open, nor do I have any Legal Knowledge, to challenge the diabolical decision by Officers of Land Registry, Durham, I have no qualifications, none at all , when leaving the “Eton” College, of the North, “Galley’s Field” on the Headland. In 1946,
But I can’t forget my wonderful memory’s of all the boy’s and girls, I knew there. a slap around the Lugs or a Kick up the arse were every day events, still I love to reminisce ? No complaints. None what’s so ever.
I am a bit freaked by these thoughts, , don’t know why, it just sounds scary!
Most boys and girls I knew have now left us, but they have left me with some wonderful memories.! Thanks ,
All and Any Views, Comments and Opinions Expressed here, are those of the “author “ me. But I digress,
The Nation Press and Television have in the past been very Critical, to many
Members of Parliament and rightly so, their Expenses Scandal and other Criminal Acts resulting in Prison for some ,should I believe , be exposed to public view and any Dishonest Politician or Civil Servant or Council Officer, Should and must be held accountable for their wrongdoing, no-one should be above the Law. Although some think otherwise and some in Hartlepool, even think they can walk on water ?
Having said that, it gives me this opportunity to say a very big THANK YOU to my Member of Parliament Mr. Iain Wright, M.P. for Hartlepool.
Who in a Letter sent to me, from the House of Commons, thanking me for bringing to his attention my Complaints of Serious Dishonest Misconduct against Government Employed officers at Land Registry, Durham. and published on this Blog. http://alanflounders.blogspot.com/ and also available
Mr Iain Write, M.P. for Hartlepool, states in his letter, that in order to assist me as much as he can he has written on my behalf to Mr. Malcolm Dawson OBE, Chief Land Registrar and Chief Executive of the Land Registry,
he has asked Mr Malcolm Dawson OBE, to ensure that my Complaints are thoroughly Investigated and my Serious Allegations are Reviewed, he said he will keep me informed of any developments.
So to assist the Investigation by Mr Malcolm Dawson OBE , I have included the main points of the Suspicious Documents contained in the B141 application to change the “Recorded ” Details first “Registered” on Title Deeds CE 74844 “Absolute” with Land Registry in March 1984.
(which of course I will publish on this site )
“A Little background information to my Complaints
I have been trying for 3 years to get Land Registry and Hartlepool Council, to Investigate my Serious Allegations, supported by Incontrovertible Evidence, and many Freedom of Information Requests to Land Register , and to Hartlepool Borough Council, which I have previously said, are all available on the WHATDOTHEYKNOW site
it is very difficult for anyone to get a Government Department or a Council to commence an Investigation into any allegation of wrongdoing or even the Suspicious Conduct of Council Colleagues employed in their own department! Everyone knows where the bodies are buried, but are afraid to speak, and this is not just confined to Hartlepool Planning Department.
The start of my Campaign for Justice, commenced when I first objected to a Planning application , in August 2008, later changed, after my objection, into a Retrospective Planning application H/2009/0568.
Later I received a B141 From Land Registry, Durham. To be continued,
Tuesday 6TH September 2011.
My Member of Parliament Mr Iain Wright, M.P. has Responded to my Letter of Complaint, published on this Blog. On Friday 22nd July 2011.
Be Prepared to Stand Up and Fight for Your Right to Own Your Home
A little Background History of my Long and Loud Campaign to expose the Dishonest and Suspicious possible Criminal activities committed by Officers employed by Land Registry, Durham and similar dishonest activities by employees of Hartlepool Borough Council.
I still believe that Favouritism, Nepotism, Cronyism, personal Greed, is still very much alive and kicking, in Hartlepool Council Chambers, as is the
memory loss epidemic sweeping through the Chambers, The “I don’t recall saying that” is such a great get out of jail free card,
Common sense and logic would dictate that any person with such a lousy memory would be lying ( where have I heard that word before ) or are simply incompetent, anyway, I think there are many in Hartlepool Council both Elected and Unelected who are in urgent need of Psychiatric treatment or at least an assessment, it appears that quite a number of Elected and Unelected Officers, are becoming obsessed , anxious and appear depressed ,
could it possible be that the disgraceful decision to close the Hartlepool Hospital has anything to do with it.?
No, I am not a Doctor in support of the Hospital, although I do think it should remain open, nor do I have any Legal Knowledge, to challenge the diabolical decision by Officers of Land Registry, Durham, I have no qualifications, none at all , when leaving the “Eton” College, of the North, “Galley’s Field” on the Headland. In 1946,
But I can’t forget my wonderful memory’s of all the boy’s and girls, I knew there. a slap around the Lugs or a Kick up the arse were every day events, still I love to reminisce ? No complaints. None what’s so ever.
I am a bit freaked by these thoughts, , don’t know why, it just sounds scary!
Most boys and girls I knew have now left us, but they have left me with some wonderful memories.! Thanks ,
All and Any Views, Comments and Opinions Expressed here, are those of the “author “ me. But I digress,
The Nation Press and Television have in the past been very Critical, to many
Members of Parliament and rightly so, their Expenses Scandal and other Criminal Acts resulting in Prison for some ,should I believe , be exposed to public view and any Dishonest Politician or Civil Servant or Council Officer, Should and must be held accountable for their wrongdoing, no-one should be above the Law. Although some think otherwise and some in Hartlepool, even think they can walk on water ?
Having said that, it gives me this opportunity to say a very big THANK YOU to my Member of Parliament Mr. Iain Wright, M.P. for Hartlepool.
Who in a Letter sent to me, from the House of Commons, thanking me for bringing to his attention my Complaints of Serious Dishonest Misconduct against Government Employed officers at Land Registry, Durham. and published on this Blog. http://alanflounders.blogspot.com/ and also available
Mr Iain Write, M.P. for Hartlepool, states in his letter, that in order to assist me as much as he can he has written on my behalf to Mr. Malcolm Dawson OBE, Chief Land Registrar and Chief Executive of the Land Registry,
he has asked Mr Malcolm Dawson OBE, to ensure that my Complaints are thoroughly Investigated and my Serious Allegations are Reviewed, he said he will keep me informed of any developments.
So to assist the Investigation by Mr Malcolm Dawson OBE , I have included the main points of the Suspicious Documents contained in the B141 application to change the “Recorded ” Details first “Registered” on Title Deeds CE 74844 “Absolute” with Land Registry in March 1984.
(which of course I will publish on this site )
“A Little background information to my Complaints
I have been trying for 3 years to get Land Registry and Hartlepool Council, to Investigate my Serious Allegations, supported by Incontrovertible Evidence, and many Freedom of Information Requests to Land Register , and to Hartlepool Borough Council, which I have previously said, are all available on the WHATDOTHEYKNOW site
it is very difficult for anyone to get a Government Department or a Council to commence an Investigation into any allegation of wrongdoing or even the Suspicious Conduct of Council Colleagues employed in their own department! Everyone knows where the bodies are buried, but are afraid to speak, and this is not just confined to Hartlepool Planning Department.
The start of my Campaign for Justice, commenced when I first objected to a Planning application , in August 2008, later changed, after my objection, into a Retrospective Planning application H/2009/0568.
Later I received a B141 From Land Registry, Durham. To be continued,
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