Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Mr. Monkey and South Tyneside Council

An  anonymous Blogger named Mr Monkey,  has certainly ruffled and exposed to public view  a number of Councillors and Officials at  A North-East Labour Controlled  South Tyneside Council,  ,which is based in South Shields,  who have been pursuing legal action in the  U.S.A.  against  an anonymous Tyneside "Blogger" known as Mr.Monkey
 who has levelled a stream of allegations and criticisms against Councillors and Council Officers, (Nothing New There Then)   if they can't stand the Heat ,leave the kitchen.

Since 2008 Mr Monkey's  allegations against Councillors have ranged from Ballot-Rigging,”  “Drug-taking" and "Fiddling Expenses" I always thought that was par for the course, and even claimed that One Councillor Successfully Ordered a Public Bus to Turn around and Pick him up from a Pub late at night.
 ( can’t see anything wrong there can you “brother” )

The legal action to unmask the Culprit was brought by Three Councillors and One Senior Official:“ Ian Malcolm,“ the Council’s Labour Leader, “David Potts“ , former Conservative Group Leader who is now an independent, Anne Walsh, a Labour Councillor, and Rick O’Farrell, head of enterprise and regeneration.
  Is history repeating itself,

 I remember the “Mouth of the Tyne “ or Mr. Newcastle T.Dan Smith .
Friend, John Poulson, and don’t forget  Andrew “Andy” Cunningham,

Even the Three First Class scoundrels “Blair,”  “Brown” and the Prince of Darkness Himself,  would have had to  kept their hands in their pockets when those boys were around ?  looks like allegations  of corruption involving politicians ? Is again on the move . Things haven’t changed. just the names.

According to the Telegraph,
Mark Stephens, a leading media lawyer who has represented  Julian Assange the founder of “Wilki Leaks” after the US government sought to obtain his Twitter account details, said: “I think it is inappropriate for a local authority to spend money on this kind of exercise. Local authorities cannot sue for libel and, if individual councillors have been defamed, they should take proceedings at their own cost.”

I received a similar answer from Hartlepool  Borough Council (I think ) in reply to my F.O.I. request in September 2010. available on What Do They Know Site
More to follow on taking legal action against Officers of Hartlepool Council.

This  action is believed to have cost “Council Tax Payers “ hundreds of thousands of pounds.  “ Not , you will note, their own money”  very similar if not Identical to Hartlepool Borough Council's  policy of spending or shall I say wasting Tax payers money ?

No doubt I will be criticised,  but I would like readers to remember that for over 65 Years I was , as was my late father, a Fanatical, I mean a real Fanatical  Labour Supporter, Old Labour, not that Cynical invention of Blair, Brown and the Prince of Darkness Himself,  Peter Mandelson ,  once M.P. and now Freeman  for my home town “Hartlepool” Unbelievable , but true.
The labour party died, after John Smith.  And the above scoundrels came  on to the scene  and high-jacked a once decent political party,

Monday, 2 May 2011

Local Brus Ward Election

Sunday 2nd May 2011.

A quick update of my  activities of late and my apologies, if anyone is interested , of my lack of blogging  recently due to illness.

I am currently recovering from a another attack of what I can only call Gouty Arthritis, very painful, which , in addition to my other cocktail of health problems,  have kept me housebound and in fact bed bound for over five weeks recently, unfortunately my wife also suffers with a walking problem, so much so that we have purchased a  wheelchair for her and a Electric Mobility Scooter for myself, I did  intend to buy from E-Bay a name plate for the Electric Scooter,  but I was a little disappointed to note that my preferred choice of “codhead” was seen in town and obviously already taken by another I assume,   old Hartlepudlian,

I’m thinking of trying  for “fishface “ which my wife says it’s a  fair description for an ageing old fart and a  ex-pupil  of Galley’s Field Secondary  Modern  (aka. The Eton of the North )  you don’t get an education like that these days, ( left 1946 ) .

 To-Day, I received my first  BRUS WARD Local Council Election leaflet, entitled
“ITS TIME FOR CHANGE “, Michelle Anne Plant.  which is exactly what very many of the honest citizens of Hartlepool have been shouting  about for some considerable time, on the “ONLY” site that their views can be  read,
I won’t bore you with the intricate details ,feel free to go and have a look for yourselves:  a site well worth a visit.

Needless to say, I personally cannot support  anyone seeking re-election and claiming to be your “committed” local Independent candidate , what as she achieved  to-date, NOTHING-- she also says she will resolve all residents issues  who contact  her,  this statement  IS COMPLETE AND UTTER RUBBISH ,  a political lie, whether you agree with me is a matter of choice,

I have had a personal experience in submitting my “one “ and  “only”  complaint  to Councillor Michelle Anne Plant,  she did visit our home once,  and after viewing the neighbours extension built without planning permission and physically attached to our wash-house back wall, stated after inspecting our Land Title Property Deeds that it was clear that we where the owners of the property in dispute, and quoted  “ I am on the Planning Committee and I will see to it that that extension built without Planning Permission will be demolished? Still waiting after two years +.

Not only was it not demolished but  was given retrospective planning permission by the unelected Planning Officer Richard Trow without going before the Planning Committee , so much for Democracy in Hartlepool,  and highlights the usefulness and  effectiveness  of Councillor Michelle Anne Plant on the Planning Committee. Unforgivable conduct.

She did send me a  couple of e-mails later,  which were meaningless, recommending that I take my complaint to the Ombudsman or the Civil Courts,?