Alan Harvey Flounders
48 Ridlington Way, West-View
Land Registry Durham
24th October 2008.
Dear Sir,
Update and Clarification to me
letter of Protest sent yesterday the 23rd October 2008
In which I strongly Object to
any attempt to alter the details in the Land Register Title CE74844 “Absolute”
on the grounds that the property and land we had purchased all good faith and
transferred from Hartlepool Borough Council on the 1st
February 1984 to ALAN HARVEY FLOUNDERS and His Wife JACQUELINE FLOUNDERS Clearly Shown Edged in RED on the “OFFICIAL COPY” of the Pre-Sale Property Plan-M
44684-dated September 1983-Title “Sale of Council House”
48 Ridlington Way West-View Hartlepool
Pursuant to the Housing Act
1980 in Consideration
of £5,750 Pounds
(Five Thousand Seven
Hundred and Fifty Pounds)
I was also Informed by my
Solicitor Mr Solomon Levinson that all the outbuildings inside the Boundary
lines clearly shown edged in RED on the Property
Plan M44684 dated September 1983, were my responsibility and legally ours,
Mr Solomon Levinson Senior Solicitor of the law firm
Levinson Walker and Lister further explained the significance of “freehold”
When people buy their house,
"freehold" they not only own the house, they also own the land on
which the house is built.
He also explained that Under English Law-
No Two People can own the Same piece of Registered
Freehold Land
See attached “Official Copy” from Land Registry Durham of Property
Plan M44684 Dated September 1983 -Title “Sale of
Council House” 48 Ridlington Way, West-view Hartlepool
Please Note the Boundaries of the Estate including the “Outbuildings”
edged in RED were Confirmed by the Mayor J. Jones and the Chief Executive of Hartlepool
Borough Council Mr. N.J. Abrahams and dated
My Research in the Public
Domain (Internet) has revealed some very interesting facts: - I have discovered
for Instance that; -
There are three kinds of freehold
Fee Simple Absolute
In English common law, A fee
simple absolute is the most extensive interest in real property that an
individual can possess this type of estate is generally
created when a Deed of Purchase is Registered by Solicitors with Land Registry,
it is limited completely to the individual and his or her heirs and assigns
forever that the Land is owned completely,
and it is NOT subject to any limitations or conditions my
Solicitor Mr Solomon LEVINSON -Senior Partner in
the Local LAW Firm
of Church Street Hartlepool—
Had Explained to us that the
Whole of the Detached Wash-House Building was Included in our Freehold
Property. when I had asked him when arranging the Property Purchase of 48
Ridlington Way West-View from Hartlepool Borough Council on the 1St
February 1984 in Pursuant to the Housing Act 1980 in Consideration od £5750.00
(Five Thousand Seven
Hundred and Fifty Pounds)
PRIOR to the Exchange of Contracts.
I have already provided you with irrefutable written
evidence of the Purchase of our Ex-Council House 48 Ridlington Way-West-View
from Hartlepool Borough Council on the 1st February 1985 Pursuant to
the Housing Act 1980 in Consideration of £5750.00 pounds
(Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds)
The purchase -transfer and registration of any part of our
land and property Title CE74844 “Absolute” from Hartlepool Borough Council as
claimed to our immediate neighbours Mr and Mrs E Bennison the original B141
applicants was proved to be a fabrication the fact is it never happened.
Here attached is the “Official
Copy” of the Property Plan M44684-dated September 1983.
Title “Sale of Council House”
48 Ridlington Way, West-view Hartlepool
Hope this Finally Clarifies
the Position and Proves that our Immediate Next-Door Neighbours Mr and Mrs E
Bennison B141 Claim of a Previous Purchase is FRAUDULENT.
Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders