Still awaiting a meaningful
answer to my valid questions-in a Original
letter-sent-to Peter Devlin- Chief Solicitor of
Hartlepool Council-on-Wednesday, 09 September 2015
His very brief reply said our complaints had been investigated previously- this was not
true-it was another deceitful reply to avoid admitting that my complaints of
planning corruption were in fact valid-
I can only assume- that Peter
Devlin-chief solicitor of Hartlepool Council--was referring to the home visit
made- by Paul-Burgon- Hartlepool Council’s Enforcement Officer on
Wednesday 18th March 2009!
I firmly believe that my
collection of notes - made after the home visit of Paul-Burgon- Hartlepool
Council’s Enforcement Office on Wednesday
18thMarch 2009- should be made public- they contradict- completely-
Peter Devlin’s statement-which indicate- that our complaints of Planning
Misconduct by some Hartlepool Council- Legal and Planning Officials- had been
taken seriously and fully investigated !
There is no doubt in my
mind- that the home visit by Paul Burgon - Hartlepool
Council’s Enforcement Officer- was nothing more than a Charade- something done just for
show -simply to create a pleasant or respectable impression for the benefit of
our Local elected- Councillors- and to
deliberately mislead-misinform an elderly -law-abiding- couple of
senior citizens- who had exposed several serious instances of planning FRAUD-
and a well-orchestrated Conspiracy to Pervert the Course of Justice by Senior
Hartlepool Council Officials in Public Office-
Home Computer-History
Archives –
Here are some Notes I-made and
kept-on the evening-following- the Visit to our Home of Paul Burgon- the Hartlepool Council- Enforcement Officer to Discuss & investigate our Serious long
standing complaints of Criminal Damage to our
Property & our continued serious Objections to our next door Neighbours
unlawful Planning Application H/2008/0467 submitted
to Hartlepool Planning authority in August 2008- later to be changed to Retrospective Planning
Application H/2009/0568.
What we are dealing with
here is yet another example of the golden rule- that if you give anyone a
modicum of authority, they will always, always, abuse it-first they think-they
are above the law- I am untouchable they believe-next they think-they can walk
on water-their arrogance is unbelievable- to give anyone who has never
experienced a home visit- from a council official-here-is my personal
experiences of a home visit- supposedly sent by my local labour- councillor- to
investigate my valid but disputed claims of council planning misconduct by-
Paul Burgon- the Hartlepool Council’s Planning- enforcement officer- I
personally- found him-to be- the most arrogant and opinionated-of all the
Hartlepool Council- visitors- my advice-he should be avoided like-the plague-
Background Information
On Friday,
March 13th.2009 I contacted by phone-my Labour Ward Councillor
Sheila Griffin- to register another complaint
to her, regarding my continued objections to my next door neighbours unlawful planning
application H/2008/0467 on
the grounds it contained false ownership documents-A-B-C-D-a Statutory Requirement- of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990-to Hartlepool Council Planning authority in August
2008-Intending to further extend her unlawful and unfinished kitchen extension-
erected without seeking Hartlepool Council Permission- presently attached to
our outside wash house property causing severe structural criminal damage-to
our property.
Councillor Sheila Griffin, who appeared to be aware of our long
standing concerns -Promised to contact the
Planning officials Concerned! She said- she was aware of my previous Objections
& Concerns which we had reported to the Independent De Brus Ward Councillor
“Michelle Anne Plant in September/October 2008! Who had
claimed she- had discussed all our long standing serious- concerns with the
Case Planning Officer Richard Trow ? without
any success.
Later that day, Friday March 13th 2009, I was contacted at
home-by telephone by ms. C Pipe? of Hartlepool
Planning ,who informed me, that a Council Official would
Contact me shortly- to arrange a home visit-( which
they didn’t ) to discuss my Concerns Regarding the Property Damage &
some unlawful Planning Issues I had previously Reported to my Two (2) Ward
Councillors “Michelle Anne
Plant” & Councillor Sheila Griffin,
On Wednesday 18thMarch 2009 at approximately 11.00 a.m. I was visited at Home by Mr Paul Burgon who claimed to be the Enforcement Officer of Hartlepool Borough Council-sent to discuss - my
Complaints and Objections to the possible Granting of a
Certificate of Lawfulness to planning Application H/2008/0467
later to be changed to retrospective planning application H/2009/0568
submitted by our next door Neighbours, This was our first meeting with Mr Paul Burgon Hartlepool Borough Councils enforcement Officer-
Naturally- he was invited
into our home-and he immediately asked for & was Given Permission to Inspect
& Photograph the Criminal Damage done by the
Cowboy Builders when working for our next door neighbours -Mr/Mrs E Bennison-on our Detached Outside
Wash-House buildings!
He immediately commenced to
take a number photographs of the structural damage-done-which was and still is-clearly
visible-to this day-such as the section of the unfinished kitchen extension attached
to the rear Wall of the Detached Wash-House Building-completely BLOCKING OFF-the
Internal Gas escape ducts effectively preventing the escape to the outside atmosphere of any toxic and highly explosive gasses-this photograph
of the ugly carbuncle of a unfinished extension-attached to the rear wall of our
Wash- House-may better describe our grave concerns-& Issues –
note the very shabby brickwork in the top right hand
After spending some
considerable time taking more external photographs-e.g. the deliberate moving
of the wall
cladding- the extending of the roof guttering and the amateur bricklaying- to
increasing the height of the brickwork- by some two feet ( 2)which can-still-
be clearly seen in the Top right hand corner of the above photograph-
Paul Burgon-said-
to my utter amazement- he could see nothing wrong-with
our next door neighbours unfinished kitchen extension attached –as you
can clearly see-to-the rear wall- of our Wash-House -completely-Blocking
Off-the Gas Escape Ducts-to allow-the uninterrupted Escape to the outside
atmosphere-of any explosive gasses-he thought it was perfectly Safe-and did NOT require Council Planning
Permission -any damage done to the detached- Wash-House building-shown-in the above-- photograph- was a CIVIL MATTER-absolutely
nothing to do with Hartlepool Council -If I wanted to
take the matter further I should see a Solicitor-?
Paul Burgon’s above response and aggressive attitude however, astonished me; it -wasn't what I would have expected from him-a
Hartlepool Council Official—to say-I was shocked would be an understatement-I
was naturally stunned- speechless- devastated-how could anyone with any
experience of Planning-building or construction work- which I though- Paul Burgon
the Hartlepool Council- Planning enforcement officer would possess –(obviously I was mistaken)–ignore- the many beaches of building
regulations- clearly visible to the naked eye- including- the 4”brass
screws protruding dangerously through the rear wall of the Wash-House-from our
next door neighbours unfinished kitchen extension-were simply ignored
-To further exacerbate the
problems-his claim -that the deliberate and dangerous complete Blocking Off-
of the gas escape ventilation ducts- positioned high in the rear wall of the
Wash-House- preventing the uninterrupted
escape to the outside atmosphere of any toxic or highly explosive gasses from
the static internal gas fueled hot water boiler-was NOT- itself a highly dangerous
and life threatening situation- was - perfectly legal and completely safe -was
to me-an absolutely-ridiculous-stupid assessment of a serious and possible
explosive situation!
It certainly warranted-at
leased- a fire and Gas explosive risk assessment-
His attitude to my innocent
but justified questions-was anything but friendly-It was quite obvious-by this
time-that Paul Burgon-was getting very
annoyed-with me- he certainly- made no attempt to hide his displeasure-he instantly took umbrage at my continued questions-he was certainly
unwilling or unable to explain to us when asked, WHY our next door neighbours-
did NOT Require Council Planning permission
to erect her Kitchen Extension and attach it -to our Detached Wash House-
causing serious structural damage-to our property- all he would say- was it’s a
CIVIL matter-see a Solicitor-
Paul Burgon gave the distinct impression-to both my wife and I- that - he resented anyone who Dared to Disagree with him, I began to suspect that Paul Burgon-was
under strict instructions from higher placed Council Officials to reject
anything & everything we might say-I definitely thought –that-his mind was already
made up-or had been made up for him- Prior to his visit to our Home-to deny
completely ignored all- the obvious criminal damage done to our property by the
Cowboy Builders-claiming it was a civil matter- not criminal-I honestly believed
that Paul Burgon had
deliberately trying to impress us with his extensive legal knowledge- for he
continued to refer- to the damage- done-
to our property was a CIVIL Matter- and to give us the impression- he was legally qualified- and knew the legal requirements of the Town and Country Planning Act-1990-
very well-for he- suddenly Introduced the (4) Four
Year Rule into the Conversation- it’s the (4) Four Year Rule! He kept repeating- (4) Four Year
Rule! It’s the
Law- there’s nothing you or Hartlepool Council can do about
it- It’s the Law-!
It Sounded as though he had just suddenly remembered this Carefully
Rehearsed Stock answer to be Given to Any Difficult Questions- that may be
asked by a Concerned Citizen- when objecting to a unlawful Controversial Planning
application being granted a Certificate of Lawfulness-and possible
retrospective planning permission for an illegally erected extension built on a
neighbour’s property-?
I was later to discover that
Paul Burgon- had definitely overrated his own legal knowledge particularly-his
understanding of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990- he should have known-but- obviously did’nt - as a planning enforcement Officer- that
of sections 65(5) and 65(6) of-the-Town and Country Planning Act
1990-when-applying for planning approval-requires the completion of Ownership certificates- A-B-C-D- are a statutory
requirement when-applying for planning
approval-source-the answer to a
Freedom of Information-request-I made to - the office of the Secretary of State
for Communities and Local Government- Rt.Hon. Eric Pickles M.P.
Additional information obtain after Paul Burgon Home Visit on Wednesday
18thMarch 2009-is the following-
Updated on the 8th September 2011-
May I also bring to your
attention- the following answer given by David Cameron (British Conservative Prime
Minister- Member of Parliament for Witney-) in Parliamentary Questions 7th September 2011-
“What I say is that it is a
basic issue of fairness, everyone in this country has to obey the law,
including the law about planning permission “Where this is been done without
permission it is an Illegal development?
The answers-from - Paul Burgon- were beginning to sound- both frivolous and absurd- farcical-in fact- he
continued with his idiotic claim, that all the Criminal Damage done- to our-
Property- clearly visible-was a CIVIL matter-this legal
-this absolute legal--nonsense -was obviously for our benefit-he-further
compounded the issue-when he added -that we ourselves were partly to blame- as
we had “NOT” lodged-
in the past 4 years any formal Objections to our next door neighbours Original
Planning Application to Hartlepool Council-to build their still unfinished kitchen
extension & Toilet--it was therefore according to Paul Burgon- legal
interpretation- Legally Excluded from ANY enforcement
regulation of Hartlepool Borough Council, because
of the four (4) year rule-of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Paul Burgon emphasized once
again-that there was NOTHING Hartlepool Council or I could do about it -BUT -if I
wished to continue with my Protests/ Objections-I should seek further legal
advice from a Solicitor-
After a close internally and
externally inspection-the Hartlepool Council Enforcement Officer- Paul Burgon
who was-sent to our home- to investigate our continued protests &
complaints- that our immediate next door neighbours had illegally built and physically
attached- a kitchen extension and toilet- was damaging our property- declared
that the ugly carbuncle of the unfinished-illegal building- was perfectly legal
and did- not requiring Council Planning permission- therefore it-was immune
from any legal enforcement by Hartlepool Council- it is legally protected &
cannot be enforce against- because of
the “Four (4) year Rule” of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
I found- it totally
Unbelievable that Paul Burgon employed by Hartlepool Borough
Council in their planning department- as their Enforcement
Officer-should have been- sent to our home-by Hartlepool Council-after
another complaint to my Ward Councillor- Sheila Griffin- with specific instructions to
investigate our long standing serious allegation-of Planning Misconduct- was Totally Unprepared and Completely Unaware of
this unfinished kitchen extension had been originally- erected without seeking
planning permission from Hartlepool Council-and was therefore an unlawful
development- He should also have known that his unjustified-&
Deliberate attempt to deflect the blame on ourselves for NOT
making a formal complaint was not only-Disrespectful- but Insulting--he should have known-
in his position of enforcement officer for Hartlepool Council- Planning
authority-that the Hartlepool planning authorities- themselves-had been totally
unaware of the erection of the kitchen extension- -Proof if further Proof was
needed-that they also-had- been Deliberately Deceived by the Retrospective Planning
applicants- H/2009/0568!
Who had NEVER
repeat NEVER sought-or applied-for planning permission - from-Hartlepool Borough Council planning authority- for
their ugly- unfinished unsafe kitchen extension-now illegally attached to the
rear wall of our outside wash-house causing severe property damage-it was
therefore an illegal building-
This was NO innocent
mistake-it was a well thought out- sophisticated conspiracy- fully intending to
gain by criminal deception- a certificate of lawfulness-for registered freehold
property CE74844 “Absolute” NOT in the
ownership of the Retrospective Planning Applicants- H/2009/0568-
The Hartlepool Council
Officials-in both the Legal and Planning-departments- also knew WHO were the
true and legal- owners of the freehold property-because Hartlepool Council- were the Previous owners
& Sellers- of the freehold property CE74844 “Absolute”on which- the
Retrospective Planners- H/2009/0568-had built their illegal structure-yet
remained silent- for reasons soon to be exposed- a gross breach of their
positions of trust- clearly-Fraud- Conspiracy To Pervert The Course Of Justice! & Misconduct In
Public Office!
Consequently WE the
immediate next door- neighbours –the innocent victims of our next door-
neighbours- deceitful criminal building activities-had NEVER repeat NEVER
been given the opportunity to lodge a formal objection to the unfinished
kitchen extension-to Hartlepool Council planning authority-HOW- I asked Paul Burgon- under those circumstances-could we -the innocent
immediate next door- neighbours- be held responsible-for the deceitful and
dishonest action of our next door neighbours-?
It could be clearly seen
that Paul Burgon -did not appreciate
being challenged or Contradicted- on any of his ridiculous idiotic answers-
At this point I believe Paul
Burgon’s realized
he had made yet another mistake- he appeared to be
on the point of losing his Temper and Self-control Completely- (my Wife’s Comment latter was he
looked as though he was Going to Spit Out his Dummy)
He threatened verbally -to
leave our home immediately- and made towards the Front Door! A very clear
indication to both my Wife & I -that what had been a very - Disagreeable- Unfriendly & totally Unsatisfactory
Investigation into our Genuine Serious long
standing Objections and Complaints of Council Planning Misconduct was OVER- FINISHED- I thought it prudent not to exacerbate the growing moodiness of his bad
temper by asking-any further questions-so I said Nothing-!
Just before Mr Paul Burgon
reach the front door to leave- he appeared to suddenly have regained some of
His Composure! He most certainly hesitated & it appeared-he had second
thoughts on leaving! Because -he suddenly turned around and rejoined my wife & I in our front room!
I think he had- realized his
conduct had been totally unacceptable - -certainly not what one would normally expect
from a council official-he had not been physically violent or threatening-but
his whole attitude throughout-his home visit- had been very cold & unfriendly-even
hostile- certainly arrogant-
Foolishly -Still thinking at
that time that Paul
Burgon had some real Authority-I Reminded-him- that our serious Concerns
of Property Damage and Our Legal Title to the Freehold Registered Estate-
CE74844 “Absolute” had been known to Richard Trow, the project Planning Officer&
self-confessed-draughtsman- for the Retrospective Planning Application H/2009/0568-
since our first meeting in Bryan Hanson House-in August
2008- had also been discussed at length with him by Independent Councillor
“Michelle Anne Plant”In September and again-in October 2008!
-I politely Invited him to
examine our “Official Copy” of the
Original Land Title Deeds CE74844 “Absolute” Registered at Land Registry Durham- on the 29th 3 1984 .by J Anthony
Brown Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council. and explained our
understanding that Absolute Title is the best title to have as it is “Indefeasible”
i.e. once granted the proprietor is
recognized as the absolute owner-
After inspecting these
Bone-Fide Legal Documents as Indisputable Proof of Legal Title- &
Registered Freehold Property Ownership, Paul
Burgon- appeared to be uncertain of what to Say or Do Next-
and started once more-to leave our home-
Just before Paul Burgon
eventually left- our home-I reminded him- that Alyson
Solicitor & Complaints Reviewer was also Fully Aware of the True Legal Owners of the Registered Land & Property-CE74844
“Absolute” but had also- chosen to remain silent-on the issue.!
She had Personally Requested
& had been given by Myself an “Official Copy” of the
Original Land Title Deeds CE74844 “Absolute”Conveyed Registered -Filed &
Recorded in both the Property & Proprietorship Registers at Land Registry Durham-on
the 29th 3- 1984 by the Chief Solicitor of Hartlepool Borough
Council- J Anthony Brown- at
a Meeting held in Hartlepool Borough Council Offices in December2008 -Indisputable
evidence that she-also-knew- that the retrospective planning applicants H/2009/0568-
were NOT the legal owners of the property previously
built-who were now deceitfully seeking a certificate of lawfulness-and
retrospective planning permission-therefore she is guilty of misconduct -in Public Office
Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders

Here is photographic
evidence of the ugly –illegal-built-carbuncle-of the kitchen extension-&
toilet- built without seeking-council planning permission- attached to the rear
wall- of our private-detached wash-house building-causing substantial- structural
damage and life threatening issues- by deliberately and completely blocking-
off -the gas escape ventilation-ducts- purposely -positioned-high in the rear
wall-of the detached wash-house-by the original house builders-to allow the
safe- un- interrupted flow- to the outside atmosphere- of any build-up of toxic
or explosive gasses- collected from the internal gas heated hot water boiler –in
addition to preventing the property owners-their legal & human right to the
safe use of their clothes washing -facilities-as clear breach of the protection
of property under the European Convention on Human
Rights- Protocol
1-Article 1-
A person has
the right to the peaceful enjoyment of their property-
A Public
Authority cannot take away what someone owns-
A Public Authority cannot impose
Restrictions on a person’s use of their property-
A Person-has
the right to use-develop-sell-destroy-or-deal with-THEIR-property-in-any way they please
The right to protection of property-means
that public authorities-“Cannot”-interfere
It would appear- that-Paul
Burgon -Enforcement Office of Hartlepool Council- was also Totally Clueless
& Completely Wrong -regarding his legal Definition and Understanding of the
Four year Rule under the Town & Country Planning Act 1990-when he visited
our home on Wednesday 18thMarch 2009-
This was- I honestly-
believe- a blatant attempt at deception-intending- to circumvent the planning
process, and to pervert the course of justice- Recent
high court cases have questioned the four year rule-some recent- High Court -Rulings- have confirmed that-anyone -making a fraudulent planning application (as in this case- H/2009/0568--
should disqualify the planning applicants- from claiming immunity from
enforcement -under the 4 year rule-
Paul Burgon’s obsession with
the Four Year Rule particularly his legal definition of it-has since been
proved to be Completely Wrong-
My continued- research on the internet-
unearthed the following-
a well written & easily
understood Legal Definition-compiled & posted on the Internet on Friday 16th
March-2012-by Martin Goodall a Solicitor who has specialized in planning
law for the past 35 years. He is a member of the Law Society’s Planning Panel
and a Legal Associate of the RTPI. He later spent 9 years working as a Solicitor
in local government, including 6 years as Solicitor to the Council and Deputy
Borough Secretary of Waverley Borough Council in Surrey-For the past 25 years
Martin has been in private practice as a specialist planning lawyer based in
Bristol, where he is now a Consultant in the firm of KEYSTONE LAW.
Martin Goodall legal
definition-& explanation
The Four year Rule--Town
& Country Planning Act 1990- is quite straightforward-in all cases the DWELLING- becomes immune from Enforcement-and therefore lawful- because it had been continuously
occupied as a DWELLING- If a Building is
equipped with the essential facilities required for day-to-day-
domestic existence-so it can Genuinely be Described
as a DWELLING-and it is Constantly Used as
a DWELLING-for at least
four (4) years-then it’s occupants are entitled-to apply-for a Lawful
Development Certificate—
That- legal explanation-
from a Qualified Solicitor-of some 35 years legal experience- completely contradicts- the
ridiculous version of the law-regarding the four year rule- held by Paul Burgon
-Enforcement Office of Hartlepool Council-?
The ugly carbuncle of an illegal
kitchen extension and toilet- built-without planning permission- on land NOT in their Ownership-attached to our detached Wash- House property causing substantial structural criminal
damage - CANNOT-
be -Genuinely Described –even by the Local Village Idiot- as a DWELLING- continuously
occupied and equipped with the essential facilities required for day-to-day- domestic existence-it’s a toilet- built for use of their
Taxi Drivers !
Yours Sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders