-------- Original message --------
From: alan harvey flounders
Date: 10/09/2015 11:26 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Misconduct of Council Officials
Wednesday, 09 September 2015
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your prompt reply received
yesterday, to my correspondence-informing you –the chief solicitor of
Hartlepool Borough Council-of my serious concerns- of criminal misconduct
including the acquisition of property by theft or fraud, attempting to pervert
the course of justice and abuse of trust in Public Office-by Hartlepool council
To say that I am disappointed by your
comments- would be an understatement- but your reply-was exactly what I expected-your
reference that my criminal Allegation had been previously investigated-is
simply not entirely true-
It was an investigation that NEVER happened-
It was an investigation that NEVER happened-
I was refused copies of the planning
applicants false documents- claiming ownership of part of our registered
property CE74844 “Absolute”-by members of your Legal and Freedom of information
team-Hilary Marin-F.O.I.
officer and Alyson Carman-Solicitor/
Complaints Reviewer-who-was- without doubt-personally involvement in this
organised conspiracy to defraud-by accepting-fraudulent and
misleading-documents which I have
proved- were false ? a clear indication that they acted dishonourable in a
Position of Trust in Public Office !
honestly believe your statement-is totally without foundation- it is clearly
meant to muddy the waters-another- red herring- you are obviously trying- to
divert attention away from my very serious but true- allegations- an attempt to
cover up the facts- you have deliberately avoided and totally failed to address
-even one of my serious concerns-including-abuse of trust in Public office-
property fraud-and attempting to pervert the course of justice-allegations of
criminality-that are well supported–with irrefutable legal documentary
May I remind you once again Mr.Devlin- we
are the legally registered owners of the freehold land and property-
Title-CE74844 “Absolute”- purchased in all good faith from Hartlepool Borough
Council-in February 1984- We paid- by Mortgage- a Considerable Sum of Money–to
Hartlepool Borough Council-for this freehold property-therefore- we firmly and
honestly believe we are legally justified and entitled to challenge and question the Motives -Behind-Hartlepool
Borough Councils decision-in “Granting” the Legally flawed- certificate of
lawfulness -to the Controversial retrospective planning application H/2009/0568-gained
by Criminal deceit-it should also be remembered-this planning applicant has a
long history of receiving- favourable and preferential treatment from officials
in public office-an example would be-
1- they were allowed to conduct a profit
making-taxi-business while a weekly paying tenant of a Council House –strictly
prohibited in Council House Tenancy agreements-
2. they were allowed to purchase their
council house accommodation in 1974- by special dispensation-when social
housing was in short supply- by what special dispensation-if not by having the
right influential friends- in positions of authority-
3. Our bundle of legal documents proves-
beyond any reasonable doubt-(unless- Harlepool Borough Council were in the
fraudulent habit-of selling the same
parcel of land and Property- to numerous citizens ) that we purchased-in all
good faith-the ex-council house freehold property–CE74844 “Absolute”- from
Hartlepool Borough Council in February 1984-and therefore supports and confirms
our allegations- that the retrospective planning application H/2009/0568-
contained fraudulent claims of property ownership- ?
4. it is inconceivable that anyone is
unable to see the discrepancies in the retrospective planning application
H/2009/0568- we both could not have purchased the same piece of Freehold
ex-council house property-from Hartlepool Borough Council- our documentary
evidence-of purchase- in good faith-clearly it establishes and validates our
allegation that Alyson Carman-Solicitor/ Complaints Reviewer-was- without
doubt-personally involvement in this organised conspiracy to defraud- and
abused her position of Trust in Public Office –when attempting- to pervert the
course of justice-) simply-because- she- KNEW-beyond any reasonable doubt-that
we were - the Lawful Registered Owners of the-ex-council house freehold
property- purchased –in all good faith- from Hartlepool Borough Council-in
February 1984-
5. Alyson Carman-Solicitor/ Complaints
Reviewer-also KNEW-in December 2008- Months before the planning applicants-were
Granted a “Certificate of Lawfulness”-that the Retrospective Planning
applicants-were NOT-repeat-NOT- the Legal Owners of ANY-of the freehold land
and property-already built on-causing structural damage to our property- a Criminal
offence-remember-“Ownership Certificates” are a Statutory Requirement of the Town and Country Planning Act
1990– sections 65(5) /65(6)-what is your answer to that criminal
offence- -Mr.Devlin.?
(It should also be noted- as I previously
stated- that Alyson
Carman-Solicitor/ Complaints Reviewer- received from me-by hand- at her
“Specific Request”- in December 2008/ an “Official Copy” of the register of
Title CE 74844 ”Absolute” issued by Land Registry-Durham- on the 10th October 2008-which
showed very clearly- the entries in the register of Title- on the 9th October 2008-at 10.55.27- (which under s67 of the Land Registration Act 2002-is
admissible in evidence to the same extent as Original”-) doesn’t that
indicate personal involvement - Mr Devlin ? no excuses can justify her-breach
of trust !
What about the Nolan Principles in Public
Office? Let’s not forget-the fraud act 2006-and an- explanation-why-an
“Official Copy” of the Title- CE74844 “Absolute” is NOT
acceptable by Hartlepool Council-the Original “Sellers” of the ex-council-
Land and Property? Will you now say- she
never got it- ?
Your support for your- other council
colleagues-in “Granting” the legally flawed-“Certificate of Lawfulness” for the
retrospective planning applicant-H/2009/0568!-clearly-indicates- you dispute-
and doubt-the accuracy-of all property
details-surveyed and recorded- on the “Pre-Sale”- Land Survey- No.M44684-
Prepared by B.R. Davies-B.Sc.-C.Eng.-M.I.C.E.- Chief Engineer and Senior
Surveyor of Hartlepool Borough Council- dated
September 1983!
That’s a real stab in the back for a
Professional Colleague- which- will most- certainly have –repercussions for
everyone- who bought any- Ex-Council
House Property from Hartlepool Council-under the “Right to Buy” Laws-1980 - are
all their- Pre-Sale land surveys-and- registered property detains- suspected to
contain false information-
This is not going away-Mr Devlin- you
will be compelled- to answer –sooner or later?
Simply because- you-have- I honestly believe- effectively accused
Hartlepool Borough Councils own Council House selling team ( J Anthony Jones-
B.R. Davies- ) of lying-when preparing the “Right to Buy- Pre-Sale Land
You- have failed completely to supply- ANY -
documentary evidence-acceptable -in any British- Court of law-- to Justify and
Support your un-professional insinuations-doubting the Veracity of the
“Pre-Sale”- Land Survey- No.M44684- Prepared by B.R.
Davies-B.Sc.-C.Eng.-M.I.C.E.- Chief Engineer and Senior Surveyor of Hartlepool
Borough Council- dated September 1983!
Is unforgivable –are you sure-you are in
the right job- Mr.Devlin ?
By doubting the Veracity of the
“Pre-Sale”- Land Survey- No.M44684- Prepared by B.R.
Davies-B.Sc.-C.Eng.-M.I.C.E.- Chief Engineer and Senior Surveyor of Hartlepool
Borough Council- dated September 1983!
You clearly but undoubtedly-also-questioning- -the Honesty- Legal Integrity-and
Professional Competence of your predecessor-the chief solicitor of Hartlepool
Borough Council J Anthony Jones-who was-you must remember-was- the Principal
Legal Official-Representing Hartlepool Borough Council- the “Sellers” of the
ex-council house freehold property-Responsible for the conveyance transfer and
recording the- registered title- CE74844 “Absolute” in the Land Register-on the 29-3-1984 ! who
also accepted as true and accurate the “Pre-Sale”- Land Survey- No.M44684-
Prepared by B.R. Davies- B.Sc.-C.Eng.-M.I.C.E.- Chief Engineer and Senior
Surveyor of Hartlepool Borough Council- dated
September 1983-
Mr Soloman Levinson- Senior Solicitor of-Law Firm-
Levinson Walker and Lister- acting on behalf of us- the “Buyers” of the
ex-council house freehold property- who also accepted as true and accurate
the “Pre-Sale”- Land Survey- No.M44684-
Prepared by B.R. Davies- B.Sc.-C.Eng.-M.I.C.E.- Chief Engineer and Senior
Surveyor of Hartlepool Borough Council- dated
September 1983- which you- Mr
Devlin- obviously Dispute- without any documentary evidence- to support your
–claim- is totally unacceptable-and unworthy of a Senior Council official.-the
Present chief solicitor of Hartlepool Borough Council-
Our Claim of Freehold Property Rights
-the principles are as follows;-
The claim of right must be one that
involves a belief as to the right of the property in the hands of another.
The claim must be genuinely -that is honestly
held- the belief must be one of legal entitlement- to the property and not
simply a moral entitlement-
claim of right -is a genuine belief held
by a person that they have a bona fide claim of right to certain property-we have the Original -Land Title
Deeds -CE74844 "Absolute" Conveyed-(the legal process involved in
"Buying" and "Selling" property-on behalf of the
"Sellers" of the Property- Hartlepool Borough
Council-Transferred-Registered-Recorded in the Land Register-including both the
"Property" and "Proprietorship Registers" at Land Registry-Durham-
on 29/3/1984- by J Anthony Brown-the Chief Solicitor- on behalf of the "Sellers" of the
Property-Hartlepool Borough Council- There is NO disputing that-Mr Devlin ?
Definition of Registered -Title
Absolute-to a Property-that is free of any encumbrances or deficiencies-
Absolute Title - Gives unequivocal right of "Ownership" to the
Registered Owner-and- Cannot be Disputed or Challenged-by Anyone Else-this is
opposed to Titles with Liens-attachments or judgments against them -Title "Absolute"
is also known as a "Perfect Title".
Finally- Mr. Devlin-
We view the theft of part of our freehold
Land and Property –registered title CE74844 “Absolute” purchased-in all good
faith-from Hartlepool Borough Council-in February 1984- more serious than you
obviously do- nevertheless - I think it only fair- to inform your good
self-that my formal complain to Cleveland Police-accusing you Peter Devlin- chief
solicitor-Alyson Carman-Solicitor/
Complaints Reviewer- Hilary
Marin-F.O.I. officer-Paul
Burgon- enforcement officer-Mr Reece- Development Control Manager- of Property Fraud -abuse
of trust and perverting the cause of justice in Public Office- is well
I intend to send - a copy of our all
correspondence to the Home Secretary- the Ministry of Justice – the Law
Society- European Convention of Human Rights-highlighting Hartlepool
Councils-numerous- blatant breach of British Law- including Article 1 Protocol 1-of
the European Convention on Human Right- and anyone else- who may be interested
in Council Corruption- and our legitimate legal champagne-to have our stolen
property-returned to us !
If anyone named wishes to refute any of the allegations made against them-in a
Court of law-they are of course-free to do so- indeed-I would welcome such
action-they should be reminded- they will have to pay the own legal costs-
Please Note,
If anything I have Written or Published
is NOT TRUE why have NONE repeat NONE of the named Hartlepool Council
Individuals Disputed any of my allegations-NOR Commenced ANY Legal Proceeding
against ME for Slander, or whatever other crimes they can think of-?
Could the reason possibly be-everything I
have-Consistently-said- I can support with Documents to Prove-Categorically- my
statements are TRUE-can I also remind them- they will have to use their OWN Money- and Take an
Oath to tell the Truth in a Court of Law-PERJURY- and Perverting the Course of Justice-are
very serious Criminal Offences !!!
A Council Cannot Sue for Libel
(Derby-shire vs Sunday Times House of Lords.1993 )
2. A Council Cannot Indemnify a
Councillor or Council Officer who wishes to Sue an Individual (Local
authorities indemnity for Members and Officers ) order 2004
Yours sincerely
Alan Harvey Flounders